

Just gonna say – it’s time to show it all.  I was thinking “if i were in charge what would i do?”  Round ’em all up.  Quietly.  Take over the airwaves and run the truth on every channel.  If the sleepers freak, so be it.  If they take it to the streets – that’s what the military is for.  That would produce far less “collateral damage” than the suffering and deaths from the jabs, the people protesting/fighting back.  So a few million adults suffer cognitive meltdowns for a short time.  That is a far better scenario than the children dying now from the poke.

Also want to say the GMaxwell trial is being obviously ignored (because of everyone it exposes) so I have a feel most of everything else we’re seeing all over the airwaves now is to distract our attention.  Not to say what happened in WI is “fake” – obviously not (and if it IS a production then “F” the WH for traumatizing the entire damn world) – just saying it was evil saying “look this way”.

Or perhaps not.  Again – what do any of us know for certain?  And let me tell you I’m getting some blowback for questioning at the level I am now.  Of course all that others have now is to tell me to trust the plan.  This is a movie.  So let me tell you something about me – I have never been a good movie watcher – especially if it’s full of deception, people pretending to be good when they’re evil and vice versa.  Movies like that leave me upset, shocked and wondering why I ever watched it to begin with.  That’s just who I am.  You know – a real human.  Real emotions.  Real heart.  I only became this raging Lioness at times because evil here forced me to.  But is it authentic to Who I Really Am?

Absolutely NOT.  And once I do obtain my full right to freedom and healing, I am going to leave behind not only this experience of evil but the hardness and rage that developed over my heart over the decades.  Perhaps life cycles here.

Again – just gonna say – it’s time to show. it. all.

Here’s what I got for today.





Quite a bit of drama atm….Lin Wood’s telegram account for those interested…Calling out Powell, Flynn and others….Will the REAL truthers please stand up now?


Coming together…..THIS:







“Spike”vax you say?




We will see…..


7-9-20 Colleen & Charlie Freak
than Ghislaine Maxwell.
Why? “Buffers.”
The last line of defense between the 13-bloodline families
& their global minions.
They need agents in place they know & trust
that will help them control their minions
& that’s the role of Maxwell.
Maxwell flies helicopters back & forth from all these islands
& is also taking submarines from island to island
& these submarines are loaded with children.
Her company ‘Terramar’
on Biden’s Water Island,
designed to encourage CHILDREN awareness
that we need to protect the ocean.
She encourages CHILDREN to visit
& have experiences in a submarine
& with her power & clout
they got Disney cruises to stop there.
Can you imagine? It goes so deep.
Disney is bringing children right to the source.
That’s why Hollywood is shitting their pants.
They were able to decrypt her Blackberry.






🔴JUST IN – Biden admin will require essential, nonresident travelers crossing U.S. land borders, such as truck drivers, to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (WaPo)




Pepe Lives Matter@PepeLivesMatter17


Winsome when asked if she is vaccinated.


Telegram group shares:  (come join in – lots of goodies and conversation)  https://t.me/+lDuWut7JkLxiMTYx


One of the TG group members lives there and was at the protest in AU….shared this….





No words………ok yes words……….but ya’ll know what I have to say about this….inhumane………..and the “this is a movie” doesn’t work for me now.  Yes I get this is a movie – but how do we know if people are acting or really getting hurt?  We don’t.  And which movie is it?  Theirs or (allegedly) ours?  Division will be how things are – unity a dream – until the entire and full truth is shown.  That’s how deception operates and as humans – we each have our own perceptions.  My feel – stop watching the movie – at least pull back from speculating – unite together and protest (fight back if necessary) as is being done throughout the realm.  Or trust the plan.  












THIS right here is why I don’t comprehend…..

Disclose.tv, [11/23/2021 5:54 PM]
JUST IN – 6th person, 8-year-old Jackson Sparks, dies from injuries in the Waukesha Christmas parade rampage.




Yeah, we’ll see…..He’s been quite since 11/4 (his 11.11.21 came and went)…..








Human rights lawyer Leighton Grey talks about a recent labour board/ commission tribunal decision which could have monumental ripple effects throughout Canada for both public and private employees.




Hmmm….who knows…..

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Perhaps he is trying to clear his name of the White Supremacy label that will be forever attached to him by many .
@knotme showed this graphic which is interesting 🧐






Kyle Rittenhouse and His Mother Flew Out to Meet with President Trump in Mar-a-Lago (Video)



In response Lost Sailor to his Publication

There’s a video somewhere where a nurse is whistle blowing about 3 different shots being given. How the determination is made which shots you get idk, but one is a placebo, the other two are deadlier. Actually, this is not surprising. They did the same thing at clinics with childhood vaccines over the years. That’s why some children had no health problems to SIDS. It’s like Russian Roulette. While vaccinating children in this way, the claim would be hard to prove the vaccines were dangerous. That’s why you’re safer not vaccinating at all.


On March 28, 2019, an episode of the design show “Project Runway” featured a contestant named “Kovid Kapoor” who wore a red and black checkered face mask that matched his outfit.

Someone Says “It’s Sick!”

By late November 2019, coronavirus disease 2019 had broken out in Wuhan, China. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_COVID-19_pandemic_in_the_United_States_(2020)

Do you still this this is just about a virus?


🔴JUST IN: New York’s city council is moving to allow 800,000 legal residents who are *NOT* citizens to vote in local elections in the coming weeks. – NYT



🔴Look what happened in Wisconsin while the media was talking about Kyle Rittenhouse and a black Islamic supremacist decided he was going to commit a terrorist attack against White people.




People are reporting the assault continues – amped up in recent days once again…..As a former healer once said:  We will know it’s over when the skies are clear.  Why is this one topic not covered in the 17 drops?  




Another reason why those tests go into that region?



Excellent news!

Austrian Police and Army Stand Up to Government’s “Health Dictatorship” Mandates – Will Join Massive Anti-Government Freedom Protest Scheduled for Saturday




Remember to give yourself love and comfort regularly….




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “11.23……Finds”

  1. Thank you for your efforts! Good job–much to digest here. I found JP’s recap of the Rittenhouse trial (with actual facts presented) to be most thorough and helpful. It’s as if he’s a real journalist amidst the increasingly bizarro fake news pharma-sponsored entertainment media. JP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSypu3hOzNo
    Also, Amazing Polly’s recent doc, “Freedom is not Free” is real deal street-level journalism–about a restaurant owner in Canada who defied the local govt’s vacc certificate mandates. He was fined and his business was closed and the townspeople showed up in full force to support him and his restaurant/pub–“JAKK’S”

  2. I wonder which one of the parasites will be the first to crumble and start talking when the shit goes down….hope its Boris. Can just see him sobbing like a little girl “No…please…I didn’t mean it…I was made to…not the hangman…please…I’m sorry”…..too late scumbag!!
    Would be good to be there to see our own little dictator pants Sturgeon goin down as well. I have a special kind of hatred and malice for that wee rat…..Traitor!


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