11.3.22 ~ Keeping it Real…………








Yeah.  (top image is difficult for me atm lol)………..

Guy on the radio wanting to “get away”.

Take me with you!  lol

It doesn’t matter if I check headlines, etc. or not ~ the energy of “ready to explode” is always there in the background.

I am seeing the same. old. sheot ~just on the increase.

More incoming asteroids and rocks ~ all set to hit tomorrow or over the next few days.

Locally – or somewhere in this state – “they” are telling us not to use the blue usps mailboxes.


Same ‘ole groundhog day.  lol

O M G.

This persons comms which shows us IT IS COMING.

Oh it’s coming.

Define “IT” and “WHEN”.

Because no one knows other than those who DO and (far too) few ask the questions that I and others like myself do.  I’m rather baffled by those who can truly just let it all play out without question.  I don’t get it.  But I am seeing more of us do this – interestingly enough most are female.

Doing so much of this now I am wondering if I am using up all of the O2, etc….

Annie (Photon333) on anonup – her sibling is reaching out for help.  While I am still trying to verify – I THINK she lives in Minnesota.  So if ANY of you live there or know someone who does or knows of a good legit doctor who can help her out, message me.  There is an investigation at this moment, according to her sibling, looking into allegations of hospital staff abuse.  Annie is a warrior and has no issue speaking her mind.  Very Strong Spirit in that one.

It is time for the Divine in EACH OF US to step up and forward and find ways to help one another.

I’m more interested in creating NEW – N O W.  That is how Pure Divine Energy SOul BEing’s work/are/do.  We don’t sit around and wait for someone to tell us what and when we can DO.  That’s what fuching evil does.  Divine TIming – perhaps it is US the DIVINE who create that time.  God is in each of us.  Most forget that and think God is outside of us only and is running the show.

Or maybe I’m just too impatient and not seeing well enough because in war, things don’t move in a divine manner no matter who is in charge.  There are logistics in war and add into the mix being in a simulation and literally imprisoned in it energetically w/the mind – getting out of that requires us to hold immense levels of patience for it is (would be) a delicate process.  So either that is the truth or we are all being royally played.  For now – I continue to just do Me and question everything.

I am stepping into my Power and ready to stand by anyone else ready to do the same.  As long as we can (the level of exhaustion fatigue and what-is-sleep kinda makes it a challenge to go this route alone).

Let’s see what’s happening in clown world.  lol





I knew it intuitively the moment I finished watching………….Others in my life felt the same – the difference was I continued to explore and all but one went back to “sleep”………..


#wwg1wga#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#GodWins 🍿🍊

Q The Storm Rider
👇like I said.. TRUMP gave MIL COMMUNICATION COMMANDS PUBLICLY on live TV….. By standing by The 11. Flags and 3 flags positioned on both sides of him/// these are COMMANDS and WARNINGS ⚠️….. Is beginning the overt operations in several countries..as CHINA fought off it’s COUP and secured it’s own 11.3 style military protocols and Saudi Arabia does the same and IRAN starts cleaning house silent massive arrests //// These COMMs by TRUMP is for world operations


h/t Pepe Lives Matter video


#wwg1wga#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#GodWins 🍿🍊

bullion,bitcoin & bullsh*tw/GMONEY

Nayib has arrested 55,000 Gang Members including many of MS13 since March alone!

El Salvador = The Savior and has been first to adopt the#Bitcoin standard.

Pray to keep this man safe!

“The Federal Reserve is nothing federal and has no reserves. They rob you from your wealth and from your savings and that’s immoral. It’s not only immoral but it also destroys some basic economic principles like saving.”



At some point, yes, perhaps.  But now?  At this point?  Everyone in this house needs restitution………love………a huge arse apology then forgiveness………What he says……….

#wwg1wga#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#GodWins 🍿🍊


🇧🇷 Reports coming in that Brazilian Army are moving into the city areas near the Rio-Niteroi bridge, in Rio de Janeiro.



A few truthers out there in the crowd calling it OUT…..too bad those around them are more focused on their blind obedience and allegiance to the program of OBVIOUS evil………..pretty damn terrifying saying “blow it up” (or them)………..really?  my gawd……….

Lady 4Trump  @dollface


#wwg1wga#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#GodWins 🍿🍊
love it!!!
‘Mr Cool’ is goin down…..

Resistor Newswire
Protesters Call Out The Bloodthirsty Former President Barack Obama

Obama is responsible setting the US on the path to nuclear war for Russia for funding the Ukrainian Nazi revolution.




Wow…………..and “they” claim “the right” are the violent ones……….while they live in their sanctuary cities being over-run with crime and drug violence……….but hey we won’t look at that…..


#wwg1wga#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#GodWins 🍿🍊


The General
Lincoln project groomer Rick Wilson calls for someone to put “a bullet in Donald Trump” on live television.



Sigh……….sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh S I G H………….


#wwg1wga#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#GodWins 🍿🍊

The General
Trump retruths meme that says “The storm is coming”, “Q”, “17”, and “WWG1WGA”






#wwg1wga#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#GodWins 🍿🍊

The General

Bolsonaro won every region EXCEPT for the most corrupt region ran by criminal cartels and the same region where they were caught on video buying votes for cash.





This is interesting………….








WTF?  Wow we really are close………just remembered my mate had a dream last night ~ he was above SE Florida looking east and there was a MASSIVELY HUUUUUUUGE net (metal) with 600′ columns with a mesh in between……..they are looking to capture, perhaps “the beast”?  watch the water (disappear) – perhaps flooding the underground DUMBS…….or pouring out the water as Rose has said – being lifted up and out – gotta drain a lot of the water, right?  hmmm….Remember when T said the stores were stocked for 3 months?  “they” are freaking out using OUR END GAME to stop shipments, etc………..like little tyrants saying “fine if this is how it ends we are going to make it appear as awful as we can………..”  o m g enough already………….




(i’m still not interested in having one of those special marks by my name……i prove to myself who i am – that is enough)……….















A new kind of message ~ kinda bizarre………..



As always – the never ending question – those needing to still see the truth -will they?  Or will they even care (because they’re so programmed to “hate” the other side).  Imma just done with politics, ya know?


Same question as above……….


Factory Farms are E V I L……..We’re all enslaved here to some degree – some (obviously) more than others…………E N O U GH!


So apparently there’s a rally…………and some dude in a black scarf is the talk….

Chris Canadian Patriot ⭐️⭐️⭐️ @cdnpatriot113

POTUS begins speaking at 8:38

Nice green screen………..just the actor………….
Trump: Pennsylvania Supreme Court just ruled that 2020 election was ‘Rigged’

Photo: Alamy President Donald Trump took to Truth Social this week to share his thoughts on the latest ruling from the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court. “So the Pennsylvania Supreme Court just ruled, in effect, that the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged, but they’ll let that result stand, howeve..


Bringing down the elitist playing board for everyone……….#$8
Oh I love the sound of this one.  One of the feeeeeels I have had for so long now is we need an energy/frequency of Love/Divine/Universe/REAL Creator………I am energetically “thirsty & hungry” for it………activation…..new awareness……really big shift in the world…………..i have loved her reads for months now ~ i am just out of patience in waiting for all of these intentions/energies we have been putting out collectively for SO LONG and reading ABOUT them……….the time is absolutely positively fully completely NOW. NOW. NOW.

#scorpio #tarot #tarotreading

Scorpio – Love tsunami.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.