11.5.23 ~ A few additional (forgot to include) finds……..



And one is a big one.

Who dat be?


Saw this first thing.  Put day on good path……..



All we want for Christmas (freedom, healing, love, unity)……..




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “11.5.23 ~ A few additional (forgot to include) finds……..”

  1. The Mean Tweeter has got it Right!…and if that was all that DT had done that would be pretty dang awesome! [I have ZERO tolerance left for the ‘Never-Trumpers’ and the “Anything-but-Trump” shills for the Briben crime gang.] We’ve been divided…and the Zionist-run MSM is the brainwashing powerhouse behind our divided nation!

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