11.5 Check in and finds


I must be in blissy post-nap/tummy-happy-from-pizza state….I thought it was October….and then reading a comment from Carolin I thought she said “cookies” instead of what she really wrote – cockles.  I’ve taken a break from sweets/sugar – for a few weeks now – so cookies are obviously on my mind.

I was too busy today (and detached from the world) to notice how things felt.  I still don’t know what went on today “out there”.  We could sure use some of those fancy treatments the privileged have access to – and the release of the hidden tech.  And some good wealth so we could hire someone to pick up this yard – at least this year.  Mate is still really struggling with his health – one condition in particular.  Kind of  in a corner with this one – insurance covers seeing the local allopathic nightmares – but hey we’ve been down that road for almost 20 years and we know where that leads.  He’s done about every alternative method we can afford.  These bioweapons have one purpose as we all know and I don’t align with talking about it.  We just need that NEW.  Now.  That’s what God would do.

The REAL God.

Speaking of – I want to share a beautiful expression of who God really is.  It was left by Denise in the comment section.  I asked if I could share it here and haven’t heard back – but I’m going to leave it anyway as she already shared it and I don’t want to wait to pass it along with all of you.  It is that beautiful and something in which I align fully:

“I was raised Catholic and so bought into the God of Fear for awhile, though deep within I knew God differently. As I shed myself of Catholicism, I discovered novels written by a priest, wherein he said that God was as a Lover pursuing the Beloved, awaiting the Beloved’s response – never forcing, never threatening, never fomenting fear in the Beloved. Then I discovered that one of the meanings of fear is “reverential awe, veneration”. Now my own understanding shows me the I AM as of pure blazing Light, drenching all of us in love. More recently, as I have dived deeper into the evil that has controlled us for millennia, I have realized that even the God of the New Testament is not the true God; everything we have been taught about learning lessons, ancestral history, that things are still our fault, etc. is part of their agenda. The Truth is that “we are Stardust, we are Golden” and we are now getting ourselves, with the infinite, loving help of the God of Light, back to the Garden. Jesus came to teach us that – that we are NOT sinners; he came to give us the message of who we really are, that we are pure Love. He did not come to start a new religion. “They” turned his murder into a religion and perverted his message. Remember, “Satan” inserts enough truth into his message to seduce us into believing it.

I didn’t want to be too long-winded, but something else that I realized by learning about quantum physics is that everything is energy. Source/God/ All That Is is energy and the only way for Source/ the Universe to expand is to express in the material. So, we are all Source in expression and everything we do, think, create, feel assists in that expansion and that expression. We ARE the God Spark; we can never get it wrong, we cannot be sinners; we can only make choices by free will that will have desired or undesired consequences, which will cause us to make more choices, thus expanding the Universe/God. It is a most magnificent, joyous, co-creative Universe!”

Isn’t that such a divinely wonderful description of God and Who we really are?  Doesn’t it nourish your soul and mind?  God – Source – always expanding – always creating.  And we know that experience alone has been absolutely denied – extremely challenged –  here.  Want to do THIS?  You must do x y z first.  Want to do THAT?  Same thing.  And these systems and people enforcing them, 99% of the time, don’t know us.  So what gives them the right to deny us our inherent Natural Organic right to create as WE CHOOSE?  None.  Zero.  Zip.  Nada.  So naturally this explains why so many of us are beyond frustrated and positively DONE with any being/person/system that denies us this very basic inherent right/ability.  I pretty much came into this realm feeling this.

Here is what I am seeing atm.  Much love to you all.




A good find by my friend Jules….My first thought was UGH – the symbology – looks like evil is running the show even on the outside – but she soothed my WTF moment:  “50% truth, 50% bullshit – just have to figure out which is which . Tons of evil symbolism for sure! I threw out the parts that look like Mormon heaven too. They make the real stuff look like the silly stuff, and hide little nuggets in there – like the movie ending (relatively) shortly after 2016.”




#Eeks Season 32 The Simpsons showed us the Event Monitor in Heaven
“Definitely feels like they’re wrapping it up…. any day now….”
*No idea why it doesn’t show a cover picture on the video


An interesting tweet….


Amazing ~ looks more like a physical structure than an organic life-form…



Mandates are not law…..



Monkey Werx latest.


Thanks to Carolin for this one.

Famous Phrase Hits Flight and Makes Passenger Enjoy the Moment All the More


BOOM -> PETA calls for Dr. Fauci to RESIGN .

So…..I have never felt fully aligned with whiplash or that 72 channel even though I once followed both.  Sharing as I find it – interesting….
Pic of Jesse Presley:
Elvis' Grandfather Jesse D Presley on CBS TV, 1958 - YouTube
John G Trump:
John Trump | American Institute of Physics
Some similarities….
Real picture….
KP ~ still active…
A good reminder (definitely for myself at times)…
May be an image of text that says 'being 'conscious' doesn't give you permission to speak down on anybody you may deem as less woke. people grow in increments, give them time.'
If ever there was a MEME to describe me…my mate will tell you once I am in bed, I cocoon and am like a bear waking up from hibernation as I finally slowly roll out 12 plus hours later….
May be an image of 2 people and text that says '/ don't know which animal is my Spirit Animal... ...but I'm pretty sure it's one that hibernates'

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.