12.19.22 check in ~ Finds ~ and things in a MEME…


May be an image of text that says 'An awakened soul is not interested in drama, conflict or chaos muses from mystici®'


Still pretty rough.  I’ve been sleeping and resting a lot the past 2 days.  Lots of things being pushed to the surface to heal.

“Out there” – I am seeing car accidents and fatalities every. day. now.  on the major highways & freeways.  It is mind boggling – even though it shouldn’t be – but still – wow.  Some like to say this is how the person/soul chose to depart.  Who can say that with any real knowing?  How do any of us know it isn’t just plain evil trying to keep at it as long as it can?  And how many received the thing?  Who knows other than the person/Soul.  This whole process now feels messy and unpredictable with moments of quiet calm and healing in between.  It’s war here until it isn’t – with the end RESULT being (a return to) Divine.  Freedom.  At least that is my focus/desire.

Here’s what has entered my space today ~that I feeeeel like sharing that is.  The unfolding and back and forth drama continues – just not interested in it – honestly – no matter the purpose now.







May be an image of text that says 'It's It hard to wait around for something you know might never happen. But its even herder to give up when you know it's all you want. PICTUREQUOTES.com'


May be an image of text that says 'Healthy relationships are tight as fuck. It's so cool to be able to be like "hey you're doing these things that are really bothering me let's address them and work on it." And have it not end in screaming and crying and insults. Communication is super hot.'


May be an image of 1 person and text that says '"The Sacred Masculine does not hide from what his heart speaks; he listens with open ear embracing his intuition, knowing that as warrior his instincts are sharp. He does not run from conflict, know ing that resolution is the trait of Kings He will not all off his heart from the Divine Feminine, feeling that w ithin the flow of her love is eternity. UrosRoj www.thegoddesscirde.net Ara The Goddess Circle'


May be an image of 2 people, body of water and text that says 'wabn Always remember that there is a strength within you that is greater than any storm. Mg Princess Sassy Pants &Compory 1 SON'


May be an image of 1 person and text


May be an image of text









The mask…………(enlarge – it is in plain site)………..



Interesting comment on “Home” – which I feel is anyplace where evil isn’t….


Hallelujah seems to be in the vibe………







Oh indeed something DID happen in the last 24-36 hours – it is palpable……….


Ok, really – like enough is enough ok we get it evil is everywhere this is INSANE and will only lead to innocent freedom souls to suffer even more seriously WHYYYYYY is this even part of this movie/experience???


Hmmm……a comm or just a space force reference……….


Especially lately ~ yes…………


missed this one………….


Musk shared something about Pluto a few days ago………


This (is his share) – last return of the year………..



Her legacy is beautiful.  sigh (a challenge for me atm)  My words to her:  tears flow. i am grieving…with the rest of you. fly free home annie (let us know u busted outta this dmn matrix ok?) .thank you for your support and friendship. i will see you on the other side….😭🙏💥✨🌈
In response Photon 333 to her Publication

As her legacy, Annie requests that people treat each other with the utmost kindness.





Well that would make sense then………….another T card……….




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.