12.25.23 ~ Christmas Day Finds and a Brief Reflection



Cooked a full meal.

Eat the full meal.

Which then turned into this for everyone…

Josh passed out on the couch | My son passed out | swtpea416 | Flickr

Feeeeeeeeeeels weird – continues I should say.  Christmas spirit/feel waxed and waned.  Anyone else?

Here are a few finds.





I don’t like this idea now – but at this point – with how the very truth that the way I want to change my life requires money I don’t have – I’d take it.


How about LIFE becomes the vacation………….Travel.  Connect.  Create unlimited.


i keep getting “X marks the spot”……….




I didn’t know this was dropped 5 years ago (referenced above):




How Octopus DNA Tells us More About the Collapse of Antarctica’s Glaciers | Genetics And Genomics (labroots.com)


Avian influenza has killed millions of seabirds around the world: Antarctica could be next (msn.com)

Russian Forces Take Heavily Fortified Town of Maryinka in Biggest Triumph Since Bakhmut


another clue………the “p” symbol…….



Ukrainian Air Force destroys Russian landing ship in occupied Crimea (yahoo.com)


In a moment of humor, I found this while cleaning out my purse:


That’s about it.  Back to family.  Merry Christmas everyone.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “12.25.23 ~ Christmas Day Finds and a Brief Reflection”

  1. Aprox. 14 years ago I met a former biz partner. He and I were working on creating a next-paradigm media company(with no serious capital, or Warren Buffet’s support). He and I wrote detailed emails and I was writing essays on the financial matrix, and potential alternatives to the “fractional reserve banking” model. Alternatives to the FED crooks, etc.Anyhow my biz partner had been working on a social security reform act that would also include UBI. Much of his proposal seemed doable, and would help people pay their rent. I had a problem with the proposal as I spent more time analyzing the causes of “lack-consciousness, aka “Poverty by Design.” Mostly we could agree that the Bankster model was a culprit of every evil we face as humans, and on the surface I felt the Universal Basic Income might at least provide some relief during the mega inflationary era we are living through. However, the more we discussed his idea the idea gradually sank in: And WHO is going to manage this program? And why will the Rockefellers and Rothschild types still have more money than God? The Bolsheviks only succeeded in creating more bureaucracy and the Soviet Union wasn’t more fair for the serf class than when the Romanovs reigned as Royalty. Over the last 10 years or so its become apparent to me that some type of evil parasite in human consciousness is at the root of the wealth divide. Allocation of basic resources ought to be a matter of a merit-based model where people with good ideas and the chutzpah to stay committed are allowed access to the tools to fulfill worthy projects and sustain basic needs(life support.) The point here is that I came to a place where I felt a totalitarian communistic management scheme would result with the UBI idea. Now that we’ve witnessed the WEF/WHO/CDC/Pharma octopus in action these last 4-5 years, some of us are skeptical about AI and centralized banks running our lives. Which raises the question: How to level the playing field, redistribute wealth, and create a human Reset that benefits all life forms and maintains the highest standard of collective well-being we might imagine? Money is currently running the show here on Earth, but this does not mean that it always should, or will, continue in this myopic role as human potential moderator. [Great post BTW–lotsa tasty stuff…Tucker interview with Spacey raises a question por moi: where has Spacey been I wonder?]

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