12.6.23 ~ Checking in and some Finds



that would be awesome, to quote farley…….



this as well would be awesome……….




Deep breath.

We got this.

Love thyself like a newborn baby.

Be the love and peace I wish to see.














did i already share this?


BANG! Latest Gun-Ban Scheme Gets Shot Down in Congress







πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯Β  dude’s lit with truth…………incoming hot movie scene……..




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “12.6.23 ~ Checking in and some Finds”

  1. The ‘grabber’ in your compendium (for me) has to do with the obscene and absurd values of real estate. Considering that the average price of a small house in the 1950’s was $5,000, and now a home that might’ve cost say $15,000 in 1965-66, goes for $350K- and more, depending on the location- means that inflation is unsustainable and arbitrary. The entire scheme is as fake and phony as a three dollar bill. If you really want to elevate the blood pressure(and it sure as hell works for me) just consider how less than 1% of the global population control something like 98-99% of the global wealth! …Right there is an indication that equitability as a political talking point is jive-hooey-nonsense. ‘Equitability’ has never been an actual premise any politician cares about. We accept our station in life and learn to complain among fellow inmates. This class distinction results in a repetitive(gen to gen) template for a social status quo: i.e., “Misery loves company.” So–what’s the game changer…? “TAX REVOLT” [which is what our forefathers engaged, pre-revolutionary war.]

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