2.1.23 ~ Roaring on this “Freedom” Day


May be an image of text that says 'ম When In Trouble When In Doubt Run In Circles Scream And Shout'


Or simply Roar.


Yeah, so 2.1 is known as Freedom Day here in the states (South Africa as well ~ and if I am missing other nations, I apologize).  Lioness is roaring.  Louder and louder.  And louder.  Lately it feels like I am one of a small number of lions and lionesses alone in a room full of hyena’s and jackals.

Today gave good reason to roar for the pride in this house.

We were informed the new doctor – the one that tooks over a year to find and a few months to finally see – is being forced out of the area.  I will let those of you awake put that puzzle together.

But it’s ok – it will be ok – and we will make this work.  That’s how we roll.

I read someone share of a recent experience where a man’s home had been raided by enforcement peeps – DNA sample was taken – because he had been a T supporter which upset family who turned him into the mayor thus putting him under surveillance.  I had to walk away from it all and regroup.

But I ask:

Where is this man’s protection?

What about the new doctor?

Why is it only “POTUS” and those in that category get all of the “insulation” and “protection”?

Doesn’t it feel now and then we’re being treated like a bunch of children – candy being tossed at us to keep us focused on those doing the tossing while the world around implodes?

And we’re supposed to just Trust?

Trust in thyself first and foremost.  With every challenge, I do that easier and easier – quicker and more effectively.

If something feeeeeeels off or doesn’t feeeeeeeeeeeeel right or look right:  START ASKING QUESTIONS.

It’s like we came so far in awakening – then the 17 movement came about – and many stopped asking questions – instead saying “ok WHEW someone else can take over”.

Which I get.  But only for so long.

Perhaps this is ok in the end.

Who knows?

Why is it still not ok in some circles of awakening to ask questions?

As the sign on the wall says – right next to my computer – something given to me by my mate and child:  KIND HEART….FIERCE MIND…..BRAVE SPIRIT.

Add in “Problem Solver” and that is me.  And it feels pretty darn lonely at times.  I don’t like being on the outside – just watching – not when out there impacts my experience in ways I don’t consent to.

Gloves Off GIFs | Tenor

Like Neo said when Morpheus is first speaking with him about the nature of the matrix ~ Neo says he doesn’t like the idea that he isn’t in control of his life.

THAT right there is what this entire experience has been about:  CONTROLLING US.


Take back your control.

Ask questions.

And keep at it.

If more of us roared now, we may just get some of the results we all want.

For now here is a current moment of humor then some finds.  Mate is telling our child “Dad was growing up when they wrote the book on Old School.”  Then I inserted “Then mama came around 5 years later and rewrote it.”

Humor.  Sarcasm.  Chocolate and coffee.  That too is how we roll.




Flick of a switch………..Weirdness is in the air tonight……..had a banking “issue” – called up my bank – my phone kept ending the call – and informed me I had no service (much of the network down I learned)………..other things too – entire day was bizarre challenging/triggering and yet – I Am Grateful.






I still have no intention of voting……….




Very interesting.



Nigerian Lawmaker On Trial For Organ Harvesting in London



DEVELOPING: ABC Journalist Who Went Missing Last April After FBI Seized Classified Documents From His Laptop Arrested for Transporting Child Pornography


Kremlin Offers Cash Bounties for Burning US and NATO Tanks in Ukraine



May be an image of text that says 'Tweet GT Gold Telegraph @GoldTelegraph_ The Egyptian parliament approves the agreement to join the BRICS bank. There has been a gold rush amongst citizens in Egypt as its local currency has been falling rapidly. Egypt is one of the countries looking to join BRICS. 8:55 AM 1/30/23 8,937 Views 192 Likes 75 Retweets 8 Quotes'


May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'IsabellaMariaDeLuca Isabella Maria DeLuca @IsabellaMDeLuca If your date is out of your league and extremely into your job, that' S not your date- that's Project Veritas.'



Certainly feeeeeeeeeeeeeels that long in the Soul/Body………..

May be an image of text that says 'January was a tough year, but we made it.'


People will still wear them………








Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.