2.19.23 ~ Trigger is the word of the day. A check in ~ authentic expression ~ and some finds.




Grateful I’m one powerful “swimmer”………


That word has been all around hasn’t it?  And yet I feeeeel we still don’t have a clear understanding of what it really defines.  Many say when we are triggered it indicates unhealed parts of ourselves and thus is never about anyone else.  Not true.  Sometimes humans are just cruel and will toss their pain or ignorance around without any sort of self-reflection E V E R and that can trigger a powerful emotional response within others (that says HEY STOP).

Sometimes the trigger is of course about our own stuff.  And sometimes it’s due to being in the presence of someone who simply seeks to project and attack.  And good lordy is that intense these days.

Self reflect.  Love yourself.  Authenticity.  Watch the boundaries and if someone is in pain ask what they need.  If he/she turns that offer or reaching out moment into a boundary violating opportunity, walk away.

Walk. The. Fuch. Away.

Some see.

Some don’t.

Some can’t.

Some won’t.

We’ve all been there.

The goal – the focus – for myself – is to SEE IT ALL – AS IT IS – because I feeeeeeel in doing that is the best way, for me, to achieve some healing, some release, some shifting and ultimately peace.

As much as I can in my atm experience.

Money is once again on my mind.  I explored a really doable FUN intuitive/divinely inspired idea (w/the help of my beautiful girl) with a homeschooling network – a creative class I could easily teach and yet, once again, what is the block?  MY PAYPAL ACCOUNT THAT STILL REMAINS FROZEN (and I am not allowed to close it out much less talk to a paypal rep).  TWO DAMN YEARS NOW.  Being denied the RIGHT to expand my income and earn a (better) living.  Every. single. work-at-home opp I have explored and am qualified for is blocked by two things:  PAYPAL and/or I don’t have a dedicated quiet workspace.  If I made more money I could move us to a bigger place that HAD ANOTHER BEDROOM/OFFICE.

All because of money.  All because of frigging stinking money.  Not because I am not going within enough.  Not because I am not seeking enough.  Not because I am not in better alignment with the Universe or praying “right” to some unseen Being.

I thought about this today as well – the support thing.  Too dang many use Jesus and God and even the Universe as some crutch – pass along fuzzy phrases while dismissing what the person really needs – and this woman is DONE with that passive aggressive nonsense.  Just pray to God or Jesus.  Just intend with the Universe.  All will flow to you.  Lazy excuse offerings when one is being specific in asking for what they need – from other humans (assuming one hasn’t done all of the spiritual fluffy woo woo).

What’s my saying?  If you can help – HELP.  Respect another enough to listen to what they say they need and if you can do something – then do the doing.

Humanity uniting?  That’s what I am all about – uniting.  Assisting.  Offering.  Brainstorming.  TOGETHER.  If we are really going to be part of this plan and consider ourselves awakening – seriously – we all need to step it up some.  If I can do it with all I deal with in my current experience – everyone else can do.  Consider this a loving Grandpa Jack lecture (Heartland fans will understand this).

Here’s what I am seeing.  As always, let me know how you’re doing – if you need anything.  Please share comment and donate what you can.




An AMAZING find by Dutch:


Loop.  Pool.  I get ’em confused………..Mirrors of each other.  And remember boys and girls – REAL experience isn’t in some infinity loop.  It is ongoing.  One. Long. “line” – instead of taking the “line” as they did and tied it up.







Incoming wrench being thrown into some of “their” plan(s) perhaps?





Intuition guided me a few weeks ago to start speaking Love to my water again…………








We had some snow here a week ago or so and something that looked like white acrylic paint to me (that started as white powder and when my mate blew on it, it bonded together) was left behind on a few spots in our car.  Taken after all of the snow had melted – didn’t take it for a drive first.  Could also be from the trails too.  Been doing that at new levels – daily too – recently.  Oh but dat’s just a wegular twail jets weave behind…………eye roll…..Who knows what this really is…………



As I said – the plan –  letting millions die and traumatizing the rest awake…..?  Hmmm – strange ideas these humans have……….




Uh wtf?

May be a Twitter screenshot of one or more people and text that says 'Trump Rolls Back Train- Braking Rule Meant to Keep Oil Tankers from Exploding Near Communities An Obama rule to require new brakes to reduce the risk of oil train derailments, causing explosions and spilling gas, was reversed by Trump BY GLENN FLEISHMAN September 24, 2018 8:21 PM EDT'


Trump, Ohio, Train Breaks, and Deregulation





Oh this one right here hits hard at the heart and Soul of this mama….It’s been painful as hell and I learned in full who really cares for my girl and this family and who doesn’t.  It’s been painfully sobering.  The loss has been traumatizing.  On the other side of this “plan” if there ain’t retribution and healing for my girl, there will be a revolution of like-minded mama’s and papa’s.  You. Never. Mess. With. The. Children.  As I have continued to say – rescue them underground, traumatize ’em above ground.








Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.