2017 24/7 Evolution

2017’s 24/7 Evolution

This is what the 1 energies of (April) 2017 feel like at this NEW higher level; constant, exhausting, usually painful in any number of ways, increasingly unusual but very educational from our expanding multidimensional levels of awareness that is. It’s okay, take a nap, take a good long nap any time you must. Getting out-of-body at any time of the day or night has become increasingly mandatory last year and this, so just do it because you need to get out-of-the-way so a bit more NEW can be physically and energetically Embodied, rewired, re-calibrated, adjusted to, rebooted and then come back online within you/me/each of us doing this now. Couch potatoes? Hell no, couch gods! Let The Process happen in these NEW ways and don’t worry about “life” and “reality” because what you are living through while passed-out almost every day on your Becoming a god couch, is what’s creating the NEW life and reality for yourself and like-others. If you build it they will come remember? 😉

It’s getting harder to continue keeping things, all things, disconnected and separate from one another internally and externally in those old lower dualized ways we’re used to from 3D habit and pattern. Stop trying, let the NEW lift you up into greater multidimensional and quantum consciousness and being more quickly and less painfully. The surrendering continues as does the resurrecting and both these steps should be easy for those of us who’ve been at this for two or more decades already.

Yes it’s been intense lately and it’s going to continue being intense almost constantly now (2017) that we’re in this NEW higher level within the evolutionary Ascension Process (AP). There’s no more fooling around, no more second guessing, self-doubting, BS, playing dumb, playing games, guru addictions, and the biggie for so many which is waiting for anything or anyone external (besides themselves) to do all this for them. That’s old negative Piscean Age collective religious disempowerment BS whether it’s about a Master(s) or ET(s). This is about you doing it, and constantly now no matter which energetic Stair-step you’re currently on. And it’s grow-up time for global humanity as well; time for all to surrender more and more of their old lower beliefs, habits, expectations and consciousness to enter a tremendously higher frequency Earth world, life and reality.

So the side effects of all this have been intense again, so what. We do what we do and we keep doing it and we will continue doing so here, there, and elsewhere. The fun part about this is that it’s getting easier to be conscious of and maintain that Higher Awareness of our doing all this in multiple dimensions and timeless quantum being-ness simultaneously. The more you repeatedly surrender, release, and resurrect at increasingly higher levels each time, the more aware you become of the evolutionary AP as a quantum, all-inclusive event taking place everywhere simultaneously internally and externally.

Nothing takes you out of your profoundly physical aching bones and joints, rumbling bowels, waves of nausea, sudden inner chills/heat and other ample anomalies like getting brief perspectives of all this from WAY OUT THERE somewhere. It makes the physical level aspects of living all this much easier when you can step out physically and expand some to watch and witness The Process and you living The Process from up out there from your expanded non-physical Self. This isn’t either/or stuff, but simply changing perspectives in a split second intentionally. And, this is quickly getting easier and more common now for Forerunners and is due to our ongoing Embodiment; it expands and shifts one’s sense of self/Self/SELF and incorporates much more of what’s going on into the entire mix. Increasing Unity or HighHeart Consciousness in other words.

So there’s some more diarrhea, aches, pains and exhaustion involved to get there, big deal right? No one ever said that hauling our physical body “meat suits” and old ego selves and consciousness up the great evolutionary ladder would be all fun and games and it sure as hell hasn’t been, but again, who cares when such gains are to be had? You’ve been through these energy Stair-steps enough times now to know that what comes after every intense blast of compressed evolution is… evolution! Enjoy your current state of in-process couch godhood because eventually it’ll be 24/7 godhood, minus the nausea, aches, diarrhea and other unpleasant impediments and oh, won’t that be great and grand fun.  😀  ❤


April 4, 2017

purple green copyright Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2017. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and the URL https://highheartlife.wordpress.com and Copyright Notice is included.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.