2020 END GAME…..more intel


My mate watched Smackdown (WWE) on regular television tonight.  We have come to see they drop comms and are part of the plan.  Tonight, lightning bolts came out of the top of the dome (thunderdome) which suddenly morphs the scene into a bunch of Christmas trees.  Yes, it is Christmas.  However it was interesting they used plasma (solar flash) to change the scenery.  He also said there was an animation of 2020 came out and all the wrestlers beat it up.  Then 2021 animation comes out and destroys 2020.

On another personal note – we spoke with a family member recently who mentioned someone in the family, who serves in the Navy, was recently deployed to Ft. Meade on a classified assignment.  I was seeing some information on Ft. Meade the past couple of days on twitter with someone saying they had read where more than one military outfit had been sent there.  Some info on Fort Meade: “Fort George G. Meade is a United States Army installation located in Maryland, that includes the Defense Information School, the Defense Media Activity, the United States Army Field Band, and the headquarters of United States Cyber Command, the National Security Agency, the Defense Courier Service, Defense Information Systems Agency headquarters, and the U.S. Navy’s Cryptologic Warfare Group Six.”  Feels significant…..

I am sure most of you have seen this happening earlier today:

COMMENTS:  1) Why the warning?  D.S. doesn’t warn others to clear the area prior to an attack, right?  2) They like their causalities so if this was DS why do it on Christmas when everyone is at home?  There were 3 injuries – but no deaths.  Last night Dan Scavino tweeted a video of POTUS and Melania turning on the lights of the national christmas tree.  POTUS did a countdown – which nudged at me – I felt it was a comm of some sort.  Count down to an explosion of some sort – as in today’s explosion?  Question is:  what was the purpose behind this operation and who was behind it?  My mate and I talked about this…we both agreed it was quite possible we were seeing the two sides in action.  The white hats knew this was coming – gave ample warning for evacuation – allowed the d.state to take out their own equipment (Q says “WE HAVE IT ALL”)…?  Just a theory.  JOE M had this to say….similar theory but he offers more extensive detail…



Islam, huh?  



From 4 days ago…..



I feel this is what was shown to me in my dream today – what I saw him sharing on the podium was not ready to be revealed yet – as I wasn’t to know the info.  However – that public hand is close to full reveal:

More goods:


More exposing….


A most excellent thread if you are on twitter:


Beginning on Christmas Eve…(Delaware crossing…)?  Picking up “assets”…..


Still some swamp in the W.H….Interesting he tagged Don Jr and not The President….


Now for some more cosmic happenings:

First this.  I feeeeel there is quite a bit of truth in this in terms of an exit and using the Sun as a portal.  Many we thought were “dead” will be showing up again.  However the dates don’t jive (and didn’t happen – of course) and this 3d 5d and other references to dimensions are false – according to what I strongly feel.  Not that they don’t exist – I feel they are manufactured creations by the matrix to keep certain things hidden from us – to keep a separation.  And I have no desire or intention of getting on a ship.  As my mama always told me “don’t take a ride from a stranger.”  I would need to really get to know a person/being before I just hopped into some flying craft and jet off outta this realm.

Adam had a few things to say about this – this one I found quite interesting. My mate and I each had dates we were feeling held significance.  For me it was December 22nd and my mate, the 22nd and 26th.  Something happened on the 22nd that many of us felt – some quite significantly.  (A note of interest – my mate used to have dreams of craft landing.  In one dream the beings were not interested in talking with my mate and in fact made it very clear he was to leave them alone.  He has since come to feel he was seeing an old timeline.  I have not once felt fully “right” about seeing a variety of craft land and interactions ensue.  I’ve always seen this as being an air show – in the dreams I have had.  However it plays out, I go by how I feel and insist any “alien” have love and patience – for a long as it takes – in letting ME make my OWN choices.  Love would do that.)


More objects showing up by the “sun”:

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.