3/18 Additional Finds and some interesting COMMS in Highlight’s Magazine



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My girl receives Highlight’s each month.  While they attempt to condition children to the “agenda” – including mask wearing – apparently they are dropping some comms.  Today I saw two.  The first had to do with frogs – the second – holograms.  Check it out:



And here is the latest Schumann – another “empty space”…..This began about 24 hours ago – 3.5 hour…..




MICHAEL JACO LATEST:   Gene Decode breaks down the DUMB situation and isolation of Antarctica before the final assault.



BREAKING – Convicted Sex Offenders, Including Pedophiles, Arrested At Biden’s Open U.S. Border.


Federal law prohibits employers and others from requiring vaccination with a Covid-19 vaccine distributed under an EUA






In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Decode from today,

Flight going to GTMO.
Call sign GTMO845 squawking as 2601.

Q post# 2601 says “Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein”

I don’t know if this is true – however – I know there is something very special and powerful about Melania.  She is like the Quiet Lioness in the background doing major work.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

6 thoughts on “3/18 Additional Finds and some interesting COMMS in Highlight’s Magazine”

  1. AH HA! I did not know a group of frogs was called an ‘army’!

    Where did ‘Pepe’ really originate from?

    Frogs, the form given to those who offended the ‘magical’…

    Kiss a frog, and he turns into a prince…

    Transformation – the side of good, turns a lesser being into a higher being.

    The side of evil – turns nature on its head (Baphomet), lowers the frequency – I am now thinking of that common phrase that something/someone ‘lowers the tone’ – bringing a person down to a lower frequency, making them easier to control and take over.

    I have often wondered what the effect of an over abundance of contraceptive, and hrt estrogen in the water supply would be – the filtration system certainly would not remove it.

    Feminizing men, making women crazy, perhaps? Sounds like the Left have been created, as a by product of this tainting of the water – particularly in the recycled water of big cities.

    Another meaning of ‘watch the water’?

    If the water supply is cleaned up, I wonder how long it would take for the minds of those affected to right themselves, after all, contraceptives need to be taken every day, as they are flushed out of the body.

    The mental correction hopefully would be evident first, then the body would follow.

    It’s funny, I often buy mens sweatshirts, as they last longer than womens. Over recent years, it seems the width of the arms on sweatshirts, have become narrower, more spindly… Estrogen will cause muscle loss in men, making the arms thinner… this is a speculation, based on a gut feel I have had for a long time.

    It could just be that so much of our clothing being made in China, the patterns are for Oriental body types not Western body types… but I believe it is deeper than that.

    Spring is starting to make its presence felt here now, after the longest cold winter we have experienced, since moving here 7 years ago.

    Winter started the first week in November, by immediately plunging into teen and single digits… we did not really have an Autumn. Normally this is the weather we would get in Jan/Feb.

    This winter, the lows continued to regularly start in the teens and single digits, rising to the 50s, every day through Dec, Jan, Feb and beginning of March. Our normal day ranges are mid 20s, to 50s, with the odd day dipping into the teens, and one or maybe two days total as single digits. The coldest I have seen is -1, this winter. We have had more snow, but less rain in this last year. No monsoon at all, and not the regular replenishing showers in Oct/Nov.

    If the weather is being controlled – I am not sure who has their finger on the button. From our perspective, the lack of water is a big concern, especially as so many are moving into this area from CA, NY…

    There has been talk of the County controlling private wells… I have to admit, if the County tries that, we will defend our well… We paid for it, it is on our property, they do not have the right to try to take it from us, so they can continue to sell building permits…

    Truly, the evil is at EVERY level.

    The town mayor seems to be one of the few sane voices – but, we are outside of town, so cannot appeal to his common sense. I hope the town will annex our area before the County goes full ‘robber baron’ on us… or, that the enlightenment happens first. 😊

    1. as always – i love your reflections. i’ve been wondering lately too – WHO is controlling the weather? i feel most of it now is in “good” hands. those chemtrails continue – and some have said they are benign – but we have a water filter and heavy spraying usually has us having to scrub down the carbon filter – plus at times we can taste metal in our mouth. ….. and absolutely yes on the b.c. and estrogen in the water and the intended impact on men…..defend that well!

      1. Thank you Victoria.

        YOUR posts always spark these trains of thought, awakening my brain before getting on with the day – I think our minds are very similar, and connected in the realm of thought.

        Perhaps this is the first connection on our path to our return to immersion in Source, to the return of our Sovereignty.

        Perhaps WE are the kings returning… and once we see and know that, we will never need to be led, or feel the need to be followers, again.

        I have always thought Tolkein was part of the awakening in some manner, but this is the first time the idea has formed itself in this particular way… hm… I will cogitate some more on this.

        We are making raised beds today – some of the stimulus money being turned – hopefully – into long term food production… 😊

  2. Lol. B yden stumbles and falls multiple times going up air force one.

    What do you think about “Patrick Bouvier Kennedy” Twitter and claims of how he and Arabella live in the Middle East?

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