3/21 Reflection and a Few Finds




Recently I told a parent to use critical thought.  This otherwise thoughtful, sentient Being informed me our children can (hopefully) play together this summer as (hopefully) things will open up.

Wake up, I responded.  Freedom is something you CLAIM – now – not something you wait for the state to give to you.

I have not yet heard back.  And I know I won’t.

It doesn’t seem to matter how many “red pills” I leave with people.  I am still seeing the same programming running as I did 1 year ago.

It is as it is.  They are as they are.  I have to continue to work on my patience and kindness.  It has been made hugely difficult the past year in dealing with these heavily programmed, frightened parents – all because the kids want to play together.

Makes me long for these days…


Let me tell you – the phrase “doing it for the children” has taken on a whole new meaning for those of us with children in areas that are under naziesque style control (yes that is a word).  On one hand we have the rescuing of the children (doing it FOR) then we have what is happening TO the children under the cv agenda.

Either way – these parasites are still finding ways to harm children even while their commodities are rescued.  And so when I encounter stupid in a parent whose choice of stupid is hurting my child – I’m going to speak out.

Makes me shake my head and end my day with this feel.

GRAN TORINO [2008] review : Jacked-in || Movie Reviews ...

Here are a few finds.


V | Calligraphy alphabet, Tattoo fonts, V alphabet


Jon Levi latest:  Exploring the Old West (Starforts and the System) New Mexico
Huge boom is heard across the South West of England as METEOR streaks overhead: Daschcam captures object bright enough to be seen in broad daylight and that was heard in Devon, Somerset and Dorset
Incredible streams of water are raging in Australia! Huge loss and damage! Evacuation possible!
Volcanoes Live, Worldwide. 


His main channel was deplatformed.  This is his official 2nd channel.  There are several channels mirroring his (and others) material.  I am having to be much more diligent and discerning when linking people’s material – making sure it is the Original channel and not some troll trying to make money off of the Original creator.  

Michael Jaco’s Personal Meeting Room
4VKM:  Vincent Kennedy – Grid Iron Gang Saves America III: To The Moon!
The Team of Doctors and Biohackers Who Seem to Be Successfully Treating “Long Covid”


Extortion 17: What Really Happened On America’s Deadliest Day In Afghanistan




NEWSFLASH—It’s not coming, folks—it’s HERE.

There has been talk recently of the EAS and EBS emergency comms we may get on our phones (EAS) or on radio and television. (EBS) There were a couple of people in the past day or so sharing a notification they got in Belgium, I believe it was. And then Charlie Ward put out his video on QFS going live.

[Forwarded from Whiplash347]
People asking about the EBS
It is from Military Satellites. Its a Worldwide broadcast.
Everyone google the TURKSAT Rocket that was launched from the USA on January 8. This launch tells you it is a Global Military Operation.

It is a Military Satellite for Military Comms to people’s TVS & Radio’s for Africa, Europe, Middle East & Central Asia.

The Event will occur before they flick the switch on the Quantum Systems in orbit. All controlled by the US Space Force.



Keep on Exposing the Voter Fraud

Judge Releases Dominion Audit Report: System ‘Designed’ to ‘Create Systemic Fraud’



#jfkjr plane circles#KingsDominion today.

I think that’s enough for now.  My mind keeps going back to the picture above – the dudes standing around a car dropping in an engine.  All of this worldly political social stuff is just – boring.  My connection to it all, while it waxes and wanes is overall, waning.  I’m not even interested in seeing arrests atm.  I just want – fun.  Real fun.  Innocence.  Authenticity.  Creating.  Connections.  Gatherings.  Real life.  Real living.
Fake and deception and most certainly W A I T I N G have worn out their welcome.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “3/21 Reflection and a Few Finds”

  1. F.U.N. = Feeling Unity Nature…our inherited truth and wisdom.

    …and thank you for this post. I worked on a car engine with friends years ago and successfully did a “valve job” with a manual and basic tools. The machine shop did the rest. Now we need computers to tell us what to do.

  2. They had a cure for cancer, the year before I was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma…and the cure is Aspirin?

    Not $89K of chemo and radiation over 6 months… that left me without a thyroid, tied to meds for life, and neuropathy in my extremities?

    Well. Sh!t.

    I hope those that repressed this knowledge, rot in Hell – forever.

    That’s all I can say. 😡

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