3/28 ~ A few finds….brief reflection

I feel so energetically spent – again.  I was up early for awhile before returning to sleep.  I felt fine at that time – no aggravating energy.  When I returned to sleep and woke up again – wow.  Completely different experience.   I saw/heard I wasn’t alone.  I have nothing “intuitive” to share about this other than war continues.  For how long and how it ends and if this is actually the elimination of evil or just another “same coin just a nicer side” – I really don’t know now.  I see signs when I look.  I know it all takes time – I just never thought the term “battle weary” would apply to me given I’m obviously not out there engaging in the physical.  But I guess we all play our part and this war is more than physical but Spiritual and WOW is that life force part of me taking a hit atm.  I feel it.  Faith.  Hope.  Vision.  Neutrality.  And an occasion roar.  My current tools.




Florida….a good possibility….I don’t know how far these vax passports will go or how long they will be in place until, well – see the image below this first article…

Ron DeSantis to Take Executive Action Against Vaccine Passports


Mommy and daddy….friends….the whole truther movement at this point.  LINE DRAWN.





In response Kim Donaldson to her Publication
The above is tied in to this…(I verified the decipher)

WOW – when deciphered thru a decoder app
;|;;gmlxzssaw translates to Q ACQUITTED!

Q ACQUITTED in Germatria equals 117
AND April 4 2021 will be 117 days of Q Silence.

I knew there was something strange with that “accidental” tweet by US STRATEGIC COMMAND.

Full DIG on my TL below this post ⤵️






Yeah, I’ll pass…

Covid Test Kit, unopened, sealed from China already infected with worms so user infects self when using swab.



Something to pass along to any health care provider who wants to give you the jab (I would add “certify it is FDA approved”)….



Digital Suez: Egypt’s location as a fibre optic cable hub, linking Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, means up to 30% of the global population’s internet connectivity transits through the country.



Read this is a good one ~ he interviews Chris Sky (Canadian Patriot):


AnMarie Uber ~ROTW, Easter, Reset?


Some much needed HOPE to keep going (lest I find that arrow and blast it myself but not before whacking  the cr@p outta whoever was doing the “holding back”):  



And some more hope – comfort.  How many of us feeling like the dog now?  




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “3/28 ~ A few finds….brief reflection”

  1. Hi V

    Thanks for your work and giving connected dots to see.

    I am not what you would call religious, that being said, I was brought up a Catholic and received all of the so called Sacraments up until Confirmation in early teens until I realised the obviousness of the truth……there is no spoon!! Anyway….Just because I don’t practice this faith anymore it is still the most familiar to me and the words, imagery and metaphor give the most associative way in which the whole story comes together in terms of the battle between good and evil. There is still Wisdom in the words even though I don’t believe them to be Divine. Perhaps the consciousness that wrote them had a connection into something higher than themselves when they wrote it or perhaps it is all carefully contrived to bring control, maybe some of both, either way the Wisdom still remains and Archbishop Vigano put out some more interesting commentary which makes sense to me. He has been consistent in his message from the start so maybe there will still be some good done by sections of The Vatican toward unmasking this evil and criminality of the highest orders of magnitude as we go forward……



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