11.24 Finds….



California County Begins Indoor Mask Mandate For Private Homes, Threatens Imprisonment For Violating Order


In the Ukraine citizens sick of Vaxxx tyranny come for the the coward politicians.. Sell out cops get a beating


Biden to resume Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy: REPORT


LaPalma update ~ Bushcraft Bear:

I FEEL LIKE I`M IN A MOVIE. Wide stream of lava, glowing clouds Surreal atmosphere Volcanic Eruption



🔴 Two mothers were placed under arrest for not wearing masks at the Gwinnet County public school district headquarters in Georgia.

The parents were there to express concerns over mask mandates and Critical Race Theory.






He fired Lin Wood because something he didn’t agree with, but he didn’t have any problem with getting the money that he collected in order to set him free.. Excuse me whaaat?





Seeing some markers for 12.3…..Including that comet “leonard” being visible at that date….







I draw the line at transgender bathrooms…..

Mom’s Pics Reported to Facebook After What People Spotted in Her Left Hand




Anthony Fauci’s Relative Carla Fauci Has a Lawyer Husband, Jeffrey W. Roberts, Who is the Registered Agent for the mysterious LLC That Purchased Ghislaine Maxwell’s New Hampshire Hideaway Home from conspiracy





Interesting insight…..today I was also thinking of PLG (in the shower portal) – wondering how much it was used to lay this all out…

In response StormIsUponUs All to his Publication

Project montauk was the military trying to create cloaking/invisibility for their ships.They tried it out and not only did the ship become invisible, it disappeared completely. When it returned, members of the ship were fused into the walls.Its suspected the ship jumped timelines or dimensions. The quantum computing is where Q comes in. A quantum computer here is communicating with a quantum computer In the future.

That brings you down the Tyler AI in Tyler Texas rabbit hole. AI program created by the bad guys, created it’s own Ai program within itself for good..imo








Very interesting…

Biden to resume Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy: REPORT


Monkey’s latest….air refueling tankers continue….all over the states…3rd party too….and a turkish air refueler??  what??!

Air Refueling





Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.