4/10 ~ Ready to FLY


All throughout the night I felt I was looking to FLY AWAY.  Escape.  I woke up feeling this – deeply and powerfully.  Before I went to bed I was listening to songs from the 1970’s.  Innocent songs – pure – intelligent – light.  Several people were commenting on their desire to escape this reality as this place just doesn’t fit them anymore.


My desire this morning was to just go – and go and go and go until I find what I am seeking.  I am BEYOND done with the “you came here for this reason” and other nonsense.  I am not here to do a DAMN thing but follow my own prompts to wake up as much as I can and GET OUT OF HERE.  PERIOD (and hope that rubs off on others in however I have chosen to Be/DO/Share).  No other “narrative” aligns and I immediately reject them when I hear them.

This place is beyond repair.  For me that is.  Perhaps others feel different – that’s fine.  I am not from here.  P E R I O D.

I have no desire to be a part of the advanced tech roll out or see the ufo disclosures or the arrests and all that.  I’ll take it if it happens while we are still inside the dome.  But do I need to see any of it just to see?


My desire is to have my Freedom and ALL OF ME back.  Restored.  Returned in fullness.  ME before my Consciousness was hijacked and trapped.

Love.  Freedom.  PURE Creating with absolutely NO systems telling me how all of that must look.

D O N E.

Here is the video I was listening to last night – and this morning.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

8 thoughts on “4/10 ~ Ready to FLY”

  1. YES. All of this. Definitely on the same page. 👍 Just been waiting and watching, mostly quietly, very impatiently, for an exit door. I just want out of here, now, with all of ME – my true self, all that I was and all I had before getting sucked into and predated on by this false world – intact. I’ve been going back thru some of YRFT’s older vids to try to understand better and find what resonates. I hope she, Lisa H and the Geos are right – that this is an evacuation, and time is almost up. And I disagree with those who say we “HAVE to hold on” for whatever reason. I don’t Feel that at all. Maybe there are those who feel pulled to stay to the last second, but I’m not one of them. All I get is “detach” and “stay alert.” That’s it. Something about the “you are supposed to be here/on a mission/suck it up/find something to enjoy (in this hell realm)” type of messages lately has been like a Brillo pad scraping against my senses, more so even than it used to, so I’m trusting my gut that it’s not for me. My nerves just feel raw and tired, and I feel so isolated. I feel like Rudolph, “even among misfits, you’re a misfit!” Yeesh. 😖 I’ll check out that playlist, I could stand to mellow out! Thanks for sharing! 🙏💕

  2. Victoria I am with you all the way in total agreement. I keep saying ready set goooooooo

  3. Yes. I hear you!…I am an analog enthusiast–not merely because listening to LP’s is nostalgic–but because the analog sound is natural, whereas “digitally-processed” soundwaves are to the ear–artificial. Listening ‘fatigue’ is a natural symptom of listening to digitally “encoded” sound.
    The analog sound we hear when listening to an LP is as close to the original instrument as we can get–except for ‘tapes’ of a performance. The best-most authentic sound replication would be an analog tape playback from a live performance. And in terms of audiophile high-end options–if one wishes to spend upwards of $300- $400 per reel to reel tape of an album(and yes–these options are available)–this is not as accessible as a good vinyl pressing of classic LPs–which sound much better and more natural to the ear than any CD. Listen to James Taylor’s “Fire and Rain” on an “original vinyl pressing” and you’ll know what I’m talking about! Same with Cat Stevens. “Where Do The Children Play?”…and I have both on vinyl in VG + condition–and no CD comes close to the warmth-immediacy-or presence of sound. I love my LPs! And all the classic music was produced with meticulous engineering talent! I have considered producing an analog appreciation podcast. Michael Fremer has produced a few podcasts already.

    1. Dark Side of The Moon….on vinyl…..with good headphones……ahhhhhhhhhhh…..MAGIC!

      Sit back….shut your eyes……. and fly 🙂

    2. if you go that (create an analog appreciation podcast) i will listen! i too LOVE the sound of analog. NOTHING like the sound of an LP. i kept mine from high school and inherited my great uncle’s amazing collection (50’s – 70’s – c/w classical – big band – i have several herb albert) – only i don’t have a record player. i used to but it broke and i never replaced it. i will have another.

  4. I had a great time last night with my wife and her friends at a local pub I have never been to. The band was all girls playing songs from the 70’s and 80’s. Nobody was wearing masks and everybody was having a great time! I gotta go back there.
    P.S. usually on Friday’s and Saturday’s I will turn on the music, mostly 70’s and 80’s, and have some beer. When a song comes on with piano and keyboards, I imagine us jamming together to it. you on piano or keyboards, me on guitar, both of us singing and having a great time! Sending love to you and your family!

    1. oooh all girls band playing 70’s and 80’s tune! i don’t even know if my area has live music anymore – or if you can go w/o a mask. that sounds like fun – i am happy you and your wife had a good night out! (i would love to play with you some day….it’s been a strange experience for me here in my city – i’ve played solo and with a choir group and have always – A L W A Y S – been open to playing with others – for fun or for gigs. i encounter big ego’s – those who aren’t interested in my playing OR – i don’t like to say this but it is the only conclusion i can come to – those who are threatened by my talent. it’s like this click here of musicians and only certain ones are allowed in. i have a neighbor down the street who plays a lot – percussion. i’ve been to his studio to see his gear – it’s amazing! anyway i have told him countless times over the years we have lived here “hey let’s get together and jam for fun or something.” never happened so i let it go. the one person who played with me was grandpa don. 🙂

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