4/15 Reflection…..


The level of stupid continues to increase just as the level of awakening and thus “DONE/NOT GONNA TAKE IT/I DO NOT CONSENT” in the rest continues to increase as well.  Remember that split many of us were talking about last year – thinking it had to do with the election?  Yeah – we were wrong ~ and wrong as far as the split would have happened by then.

That split is about FREEDOM or ENSLAVEMENT.  Good vs. evil is even fading away.  Perhaps that is why for over 20 years I have had that inner “I WANT MY FREEDOM” voice grow and grow – and why since I got tossed into this pit I have had an inner Rebel focused on Truth, a mouth that has had the courage to speak it and a feistiness (thank you my irish ancestors) to NEVER give up – even if I feel energetically I am crawling now and then.

People want to mask up?  Go for it.  People want to vaccinate themselves?  Go for it.

But I draw the absolute line when the system and any private person tells me I HAVE TO DO THE SAME.


Today was beautiful so we went to the park and walked around.  I saw a new sign I hadn’t seen before so we ventured over to the house in which it sat perched.

It read, and I quote:

“Thank you Dr. Fauci for keeping us safe.”

lol (i did laugh out loud)

Dante’s Inferno began going through my mind.  This realm here was made by those with no value for truth and who seek solely to control everyone.  

As a friend texted me today – “This is h e l l.”

I don’t know what is more confusing to my higher intellect:  signs such as the one above and those who, with purpose, place them for all to see or the uber religious types who support the lockdowns and vaccines.

I just.  Don’t.  Get it.

I have had a few convos recently with others who can only spout narratives/propaganda.  No critical thought.  When I display such thought processes and ask a truly legitimate question (such as “where did the flu go?”) – it really has reached a place where their brain cannot comprehend anything different.

So why again is the media still being allowed to engage in mind control?  What exactly is this “plan” wishing to create – civil war?

We have other plans.

I have reached my own “end game” when it comes to waiting for something out there to change.  I seek new – here – now – with some like minded community.  End game here – I ain’t doing this nazi experience alone and I am not doing it in a community where the majority support it.  I am done following ANY narrative that does not Originate From Divine Me Within.

As I drove home, the TRUE Divine Flow gave me a small but needed gift:  A bumper stick that said “My governor is an idiot.”

At least I left smiling.


V | Calligraphy alphabet, Tattoo fonts, V alphabet

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “4/15 Reflection…..”

  1. My feeling/observation of late is simply: some people would rather cling to the familiar(daily FEAR dosages) and accept this as their “new normal” (actually: ancient programming). Mark Twain has been paraphrased thus: “It’s easier to fool someone than to convince them they’ve been fooled.” Meantime–insipid pseudo intelligent trolls(or AI-Bots) will cut someone down to size when they use any paraphrase that has been specifically formulated for this era of aliteracy and fake news-skimmers. As one friend pointed out(prior to last election) she was gobsmacked when she realized how many of her peers simply gleaned their political views from FB. There is no question re the fact that FB was always a psyop. And yet–how many folks can barely utter the words, “mind-control”, “conspiracy”, or “election-fraud”– all shunned in a PC regimented censorship TV realm. Sheryl Attkisson’s recent book–“Slanted” ought to be on everyone’s reading list because it truly address the loss/degradation of the first amendment. I’m reading it now. For anyone who has been aware of the new formula “narratives” rather than investigative reporting–Attkisson is the real thing! And she was the top of the class! But they still had to get rid of her.

  2. ugh!I can’t believe they have that sign! they love to be slaves.
    been thinking jamming to “Keep on rollin'” by REO speedwagon. the organ leads are great!

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