4/22/2020 Finds


As my friend Dan says – happy 444 day – and what a day it is for BOOMS and finds…


this first one – a “bomb” – hardly….the author doesn’t know of Q and The Plan and The Boss…this was all done by design:



The Commerce Clause….this is a new red pill for me….and yet again someone who doesn’t know of The Plan…there is more than once reason the world was shut down and we continue to see two narratives battle it out – one to expose/clean up (the silent war w/the invisible enemy) and two, to create the NWO Agenda(s)….#1 is what manifests in the end.



at first this felt like a rumor – and i had hoped it wasn’t….it isn’t:



to tie in w/the above:


EXCLUSIVE: TOP Scientist & HIV/AIDS Research Pioneer Dr. Judy Mikovits Was Key Witness in FBI Investigation of Dr. Fauci Before FBI’s James Comey & AG Eric Holder ‘Covered It Up’


i don’t know what makes me laugh more – POTUS or Karli’s laugh:


did ya’ll see this?  the beaches in A R I Z O N A are packed!  wow – i’ve been all over that state but i never saw a beach.  maybe i missed something….lol


DRUMROLL, please…..today’s big reveal (or “plot twist” as it’s being called) – it is my opinion Vincent Kennedy just outed himself….as who I as well in recent weeks concluded:  Vincent Kennedy McMahon – CEO of WWE and very good, life long friends with President Trump…and a Plan team player…you will notice the 45’s – which is the year VKM was born (1945) and it was also showing who would be President #45 – DJT….Vince dropping this today shows it is safe to do so….if you’re on twitter check it out for the comments….a fun thread!

and i just got this one – Ventura speaks of 20 years ago – which shows up as 1/07/00…One Oh Seven….Juan O’Savin….who many have felt is JFK Jr – it sounds like him but I have still not been ready to say ok yes it is him – so perhaps he is….and there is a reference to Jorge/George magazine….it is ALL OUT NOW

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “4/22/2020 Finds”

  1. As everything has been building, I have found myself returning over and over to the “My Pet Goat II” animation.

    The image of the cartoon girl holding the Chinese flag, with the Corona bottle and inages of death over her shoulders in one of your shared articles, reminded me of a scene in the animation, so I returned to it again.

    The section shows tanks advancing, with teeth gnashing, and a lone female hokding a white flag stands in front if them. She has a tiger on her jacket, and is approached from behind by death, who is painted as the Latin Day of the Dead style skeleton – he blows a party horn in her face – is it all a joke?

    Then directly after that Death is seen conducting the media snakes… and the eggshell person finally rejecting their control.

    The I Pet Goat animation seems to be showing the progress, to conclusion, of the play we are participating in…

    I think it infers we will all create our own exit – the Whirling Dervish going to the moon, (Islam) the Kali charachter dancing (Hindu), the metamorphosing Native American (Earth Spirit)… their heartfires take them to their exits. This tallys with your idea that we will choose our style if exit.

    I love the ending.

    The crumbling of religous control, the complete awakening of the being in the Anubis boat, his removal of the crown of barbed wire over his third eye, by will alone, the destruction of the Illuminati pyramids by the yods of light eminating from Source. The awakened being contemplating his future, still to be manifested.

    The animation seems to be chronigically following the Q plan…

    So, the girl with the white flag seems to be where we are at right now – the fake Chinese virus (even though they do not show a Chinese flag, they show Tienerman Sq tanks, the Chinese Tiger, and the Yin and Yang shadow on the floor, as the camera angle swings down to her – it says China to me), fake because of the manner death is portayed and his actions then and after.

    I do wonder what the time scale from there to the last images will be…

    From the last image of the girl, we are only 120 seconds from the end, and even if each second is a day or even a month (there are 24 frames in each second of animation), we are close…

    🙂 Hoping not too long.

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