4/27 Reflection & A Dream share


I had another really new, wild, strange fill-in-the-blank dream experience last night.  I was inside a room – some conference – and Lin Wood was speaking about the wonders of Zinc.  It was a new form of Zinc – something I realized he had had produced from a compound pharmacy.  I already take raw zinc and have for 2 years now so I asked him a question about that.  I felt that was helpful – but there was something coming out soon that would have a much more potent and ez access to the cells itself.  He was being pretty neutral in his presentation – not dropping too much – until I shared my name and said I knew about him, 17 and knew he was part of the plan.  He looked a bit surprised and I felt the need to reassure him I was someone he could trust.  I was on his side of truth and freedom.

Then the dream switched and he was about 20 years younger and we were in some restaurant, eating, drinking and talking and having a celebratory type time.  He has great energy and I was enjoying being in his company.  That was about all I remember.

I am continuing to see so much info coming out about the j a b including intel I saw today that has a former Gates Foundation scientist and v a x developer (and proponent) speaking up saying we have to remove this j a b from the market immediately.  So my hunch and the feeling around it is growing daily now:  I feel this is THE red pill moment for those still not “getting it”.  Imagine having faith in something that you learn is designed to kill you.  That brings it all to the individual level – survival mode is turned on – and that is a POP mass awakening unlike anything I can imagine.  I feel the reason why this intel about the j a b is coming out so suddenly and quickly – mass disclosure you could say – is to stop the agenda before it gets too severe and THEN release the cure which then opens the floodgates to all that has been hidden.  I never did align with a mass awakening being about politics.  I always felt perhaps JFK Jr reveal….or the children….but even with those truths it still doesn’t make it PERSONAL.  When it’s PERSONAL – that’s when you get the humans attention.  

We will see – quite soon I feel – any day.

This whole agenda is powering me up too – forcing me to ask questions I would otherwise not ask:  Have you had the j a b?  …  I’m doing it though for the safety of myself and my family.  As Sister D and I spoke about today – it’s time now for US to enforce the social distance guidelines for it appears there is something in the saliva of these people that seeks a host to attach itself to.  Anyway, I will be sharing the info I have found later in my Finds piece.

Thank you all who are supporting my work.  As I have shared, I don’t like asking for money but I know that is also about establishing a boundary for myself and honoring my worth.

The journey of healing continues.


V | Calligraphy alphabet, Tattoo fonts, V alphabetictoria

p.s. ~ i make an attempt to write back everyone who donates and who writes me.  i owe some responses and will get to them perhaps not until tomorrow.  i am participating in a webinar tonight (just listening) so that is taking up about 3 hours of my time and i don’t have much of that to spare!


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.