4/9 ~ Today’s Experience: The Karen/Karl Program is Locked In… But we SEE it and are prepared


My mate went grocery shopping tonight – as a Free Being.

Ya’ll know what I am saying.

When he was checking out, one of the clerks told him masks were mandated to shop there.  My mate said “It isn’t a law nor is it lawfully enforceable.”

“It is too,” the clerk said.  (Not here it isn’t – our local police don’t enforce it.)  My mate went about his business as she continued to speak to him so he responded brilliantly by saying “I don’t participate in satanic worship in public.”  Upon hearing that, she put up her hands and backed away.

That wasn’t the end of it.  Some guy next to him had overheard the conversation and began to virtue signal.  He said I can’t believe you.  He said HE was doing this for EVERYONE so my mate should too.

lol  Are we in kindergarten?

My mate said, again, “I don’t practice satanic rituals in public.”

The guy then says “oooh the great satan!  Oooh I’m so scared.”  Then he stands with his arms crossed – begins to swear and tells my mate he “hates people like you”.  Then my mate says “hey don’t tell me what to do with my body, buddy.”  The guy continued to swear – the clerk (mentioned above) – was by now saying “sir, stop talking” – to both of them.

This is what we have come to.  We have a bunch of pussies disguised as men thinking they are doing something benevolent when their ROLES as MEN should be to protect and defend the constitution – our RIGHTs.  Our FREEDOMS.  They don’t care about “the all”.  If they did – they would INCLUDE all.  They don’t care my mate has lung issues which get aggravated when he has worn a face diaper.  They don’t care he has PTSD and gets triggered when he has worn one (ditto for me too – I even once said I am a victim of sexual assault – which I am – and so ANYTHING around my face causes panic).

They.  Don’t.  Care.  

Their concern is fake.  It is nothing but a PROGRAM that they allowed themselves to accept blindly without question.  Present some alternative perspectives at them that challenge their narrative and they either blip out like the robots they are or they get triggered and attack.

The Truth is – people like my mate and myself – when we present ourselves without a face diaper – WE are the ones TRULY doing this for the ALL.  We see through the illusion.  We see the facts and put them together.  We think for ourselves.  And mostly we believe in FREEDOM which includes the RIGHT to do with my body as I see fit.  Each time we go out in public with our beautiful face fully showing, we are taking a risk.  (I know – crazy I even have to HOLD that thought).  We have to power up and be prepared to face attack.  If ever there was a virus – it is THAT.

The karens and karls need to stop their virtual signaling gaslighting nonsense.  Take off the ridiculous DO NOTHING WORTHLESS face diapers – breathe in that wonderful O2 and remember how to CRITICALLY THINK again.


and the rest of the Awakened



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.