5.22.24 ~ Finds ~ Brief Reflecting


May be an image of text that says 'When you stand up in front of the whole world unafraid to express your truth, you clear an easier path for others to do the same. Stacie.Martin O'

Learning new about healing – big ones:  interrupt the story telling and go into the body.  And two, when a painful feeling comes up and begins to take over, stop and bless and accept the feeling.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Feeeeeeeeels like a lull atm.  Please remember to share, leave a donation of your choice and let me know how you’re doing.






Another County in Oregon Has Just Approved the Measure to Secede From the State and Join ‘Greater Idaho’


Critical Safety Alert: 300 Boeing Jets Flown by United and American Airlines Have Potential to Explode Mid-Air Due to Fatal Fault


DEI stuff……..

OMG: BREAKING: O’Keefe Media Group Drops Undercover Video of DEI Conspiracy in US Air Force


South Carolina Governor Signs Bill Banning Sex Changes for Minors


Congress to Subpoena Jen Psaki for False Claims in Her Book and Role in Catastrophic Afghanistan Withdrawal Resulting in Deaths of 13 American Heroes


JUST IN: Ohio Secretary of State Threatens to Exclude Biden from Ballot if DNC Fails to Comply with State Nomination Laws




FIREWORKS (17 posts)










Ryan Hall Ya’ll (let’s soothe these frequencies):

These Next Storms Look Even Bigger…


Whoa………MrMBB333 (btw – it’s almost 10pm here and there was this bright light blue glow due north here – up high – small area too.  lasted about 15 minutes or so.  sunset time here is 8:36pm………been weird here – very cold – unreal amount of winds – daily)

Woman describes eerie overnight sky as looking like it was “ALIVE”!


Today’s internet gift:




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “5.22.24 ~ Finds ~ Brief Reflecting”

  1. For the little bit of time I got to be a stay-at-home mom (3 years), I can easily say that it was the most fulfilling experience of my life.

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