5/25 end of day share….


Well I can say this – when something doesn’t align it is immediate and it is powerful.  That b.s. meter rings loudly within now and I no longer doubt it.

A particular video has been directed my way several times in recent days.  I finally decided to give it a listen.  There was what I felt to be some good truth in it – however I was reminded why I stopped listening to such intel when I heard it said the human being presented in this video had been abducted as a child – many times – and he knew it – he signed up for it – and he knew that some of these would be unpleasant.

Facts be damned at the News & Record – Greensboro 101

My gawd….It actually angers me at them while bringing up pain inside – compassion – for the human and for the child who was abused like that.

Who would talk that way?  Benevolent being’s who seek to help and serve or one of those invisible parasitic dimensionals seeking to avoid all responsibility for their actions?  Don’t look at US – look to YOURSELF (for when we have kidnapped you as a child against your will traumatizing you for life).

And not to mention – why is it these alleged “higher selves” of ours NEVER talk about the hijack?  They will share info about how our government has lied to us – always the humans doing the lying – but never the aliens?

Why is that?

Then there is the “things are going to get REALLY violent but it is us on our ships who will land and put you in a hypnotic state and end the violence”.

Not joking.  This was shared in the video.

From complicit criminals to the hero’s.


DONE DONE DONE DONE with this rubbish.

Other than that, as I said, there is always some Truth shared to keep us coming back and the Truth I felt was the June/July time frame for disclosure.  The Flood – although it is MUCH MORE than just aliens have visited us and exist.  Who DOESN’T know that by now?  Even the most asleep individual knows of aliens and likely believes they exist – even visited with our government.  (And why is it so very few of these types of channels – why doesn’t the higher self talk about DJT, the Plan, Time Travel, Looking Glass, etc. – or even child trafficking?  Oh I don’t know – perhaps because it was THEM who initiated the trafficking nightmare and who have been at battle with the plan – getting their arses blown up in their little tunnels they used to hide in and engage in their evil.)

This.  Woman.  Is.  DONE.

Get your discernment gear out and on, friends.  Warrior Up and embrace the inner BS meter.  It is always there.


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p.s. ~ and stop waiting for some lunar or planetary cycle to engage in manifestation – as though that has some magical power.  any power coming from those events comes from the matrix – so yeah – there is more power – but if we’re going to use it we need to see it for what it is – transform that sheot – and use it for good.  truth.  love.  every day.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “5/25 end of day share….”

  1. Right, I was put off by that video saying aliens will land so we can get on board in a hypnotic state. Really? I don’t recommend anyone get on any UFO or ship.

  2. Whoa. 😮 I don’t know what video that was, but it does sound like your average false light psy-op BS. It still amazes me that people can be brainwashed into buying that they “signed up for this” (whatever torture and misery “this” entails varies). But I do finally get WHY they buy the lie – because it gives them the illusion that they have control over the situation. If they “chose this,” they think, they’re strong enough to handle it, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and the idea that there’s a “good reason” or a “higher plan” at work gives them a false sense of security. The truth is, they’re not mentally strong enough to handle that they are NOT in fact in control or safe, that none of this is fair or well intentioned, or that they were hijacked and corraled here like cows in a barn to be fed off of. So they go with the more comforting (though illogical and otherwise easy to poke holes in) lie, and defend that lie viciously if others dare point out that no, we didn’t choose this, earth is not a school (it’s a prison), etc. I think that’s why their alleged “higher selves” also parrot the same lies and practice a policy of non-disclosure under hypnosis. By stubbornly refusing to see the truth or even consider they may be wrong, they’ve agreed to let themselves be fooled – which gives Team False Light the green light to come in as imposter “higher selves” or guides and pump them full of disinfo. Sad but true. 😔 The bit about putting people into a state of hypnosis while they’re collected onto a ship should terrify any rational person, but they’ve already mentally checked out from dealing with harsh reality, so it probably sounds like an awesome idea to them. “Just let me be blissfully ignorant,” that’s their mindset. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I get that it’s hella frustrating, especially when they so arrogantly and dogmatically defend the lies, but if you can see them for what they are – frightened children sticking their fingers in their ears or covering their eyes, as if that will make the Boogeyman go away – it’s at least more understandable.

  3. Agreed. Sensed a couple of years ago that the “higher self” might be AI/matrix garbage and stopped calling upon it.

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