5.6.23 ~ Post-portal reflecting…..and a find or two



So…………..I tuned inward…………..finding it interesting that we have this king/queen “coronation” event going on – at the same time we have WWE – day #2 event – talking about the big moment where American Nightmare vs. The Beast – who holds the “key” to the Kingdom.  The Bloodline has already been taken out.  Now what remains is the “beast”.   And btw, they’ve mentioned more than once there is 17,000 people in the audience.  (May 27th is a new WWE event – Night of Champions – In SAUDI ARABIA – see below for that hmmmm)………

GEORGE gave away the Key to the WH earlier this week.

GEORGE also spoke of “the beast is yet to come” either last November or November in 2021.  (gawd my sense of time these days……..lol)

T shared an interesting – if not frustrating for some – message on TruthSocial earlier today about the coronation – talking about how “special” The King and Queen are.  Is it possible there was another refence there?  So much speculating the last few years about Princess Di still being here with us – pulling a John Jr (and remember the two of them met in NY in ’97 I believe).  What if the REAL Queen is Diana?  The King – perhaps is Dodi Fayed?  Remember he is the son of Saudi Royalty – Mohamad Al-Fayed (Samira Khashoggi).  And remember – lower left hand corner of the screen from this “coronation” showed a gold Q around those three III (the third).

I get on twitter – thinking about all of this – thinking UGH just DO IT and see this:



Kari Lake returns to her journalistic roots – maybe with Tucker?  Brings the FLOOD of info……….



yeah – there was one of them reapers there – just didn’t want to share it……but as someone said – they appear before death occurs………..



gotta have the humor moments too:



So there was quite a bit of that tiffany blue color today from what I am seeing…………Princess Di loved the color – and we know who else it is associated with…………


FF continue – one in Texas – which you continue to see I don’t highlight those – not that I don’t acknowledge the trauma or horror – but that I am keeping my focus on the ORIGINAL TIMELINE – which today I remembered that the original timeline is simply the experience we were ALL in before it getting hijacked and f’d with – and inside that timeline are MANY experiences for us to be/do/create.  What aligns with us – truly is what we are IN.



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.