6/16/2020 ~ thoughts and a share


First I want to begin by saying THANK YOU – SO much – for those of you who donated in the last 24 hours.  I am deeply touched by the generosity and the support.   I hold the thought that you all be richly blessed because of this.

I haven’t much of a clue what happened today out in the realm.  And I am absolutely fine with that right now.  I did hear that our state is one of several who has seen a jump in cv19….no surprise.  One county is now voting for mandatory masking (eye roll)….

We knew a second wave was going to be pushed. I can only hope the remaining humans will see the hypocrisy of the state:

  • They allowed and supported (encouraged) the protests.  The vast majority wore masks.  And yet the virus stats spiked sharply.
  • The state refused to allow the people the right to have funerals for deceased loved ones – but protests were fine as was that “funeral” for George Floyd.

All of this also supports the idea that masks don’t work.  They’re just a symbol saying “I am letting myself be controlled by the state”.  Take them off.  Free yourself people.  And seeeeeeeee with new eyes.

I had some interesting “things” come to me in the shower portal today. Because of the experience I continue to intend for myself, I was guided to let go of all here.  No surprise on that one.  What I thought would follow that was the usual “to let it all flow” – but I was surprised when I heard/felt “to help with the pull”.  So – let it all go here to help with the pull.  I stopped what I was doing for a few moments and said “ah ok – yes”.

I also had a dream last night where I saw myself in a mirror.  I can count on one hand the number of dreams I have had where I was looking at myself in a mirror and 2 of those I felt were me on the outside.  I looked a bit different. Younger.  As the memory of that dream entered my mind while still in the shower I had this “feeeeeling” that me on the outside really wants to wake up – get this done – merge back together.  I also remember before I went to the mirror I took off this rather heavy, scratchy teal-colored jacket.  What was underneath was a silvery gray, fluid tank top with a pretty tie at the hip. Interesting I had the clothes dream as Sister Deborah told me today she ain’t aligning with any of the clothes in her closet.  We then talked about the kind of clothes we DO wish to wear and let’s just say in the New she and I (and many other women I am sure) shop in the same store.  lol

She also sent this one below to me.  I found it quite the synch as just last week my mate and I were saying how “we ain’t in kansas anymore”.  It is something I can feeeeeel.  Not able to see – yet – but the feeeeeeling is there.  I also align with her feeeeeel of letting go of the Old Matrix – very much what I received in the shower this morning….. (and btw – I like that 4:44 reference….today the 2’s were back with some power)…I also find this interesting – the “13 day storm” we are in which according to her perspective would end on june 29….according to some who decode Q drops many of us feel we are in week 8 of a 10 week storm – which ends the week of the 4th of July…..our NEW and REAL and GLOBAL independence day?  god i sure hope so!  this ongoing “ok this is the storm and NOW it is over” has become absolutely weary….no joy in it….i am ready for real joy again….and yeah – that freedom thing.

and one last note of interest in this one – earlier today i was thinking about kindness…..that has been on my mind….how it is a super power (i read that in one of my girls books)….i have a project i want she and i to do to spread some kindness…..as i reflected on all of this i was reminded of that phrase – BE the change you wish to see in the world….and here it is again shared in this piece…..


16 JUNE 2020


I UNIFY in order to CATALYZE
Attracting energy
I seal the matrix of self-generation
With the Magnetic tone of purpose
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED

16/6/2020 = 16/6/22 = 7/6/4 = 17 = 8

16 – The TOWER struck by LIGHTNING 🌩

7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Solitude
6- Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Family
4- Form/Structure/Foundation
8 – Infinity/Abundance/Source FLOW

KIN 79 = 16 = 7 DOUBLE 16/16 and 7/7 Majik codes!

A DOUBLE 16/16 code of the TOWER struck by LIGHTNING coinciding with TRIPLE BLUE MAGNETIC STORM day!! Looks like we are off to an ELECTRIFYING 💣💥💥 start to this 13 day STORM Wavespell!!

ANOTHER very, very powerful day – TRIPLE 🌪🌪🌪STORM energy – looks like a TURBO 🌀GALE 🌬🌪🍃is on its way!

Today we commence a new 13 day cycle. It is day ONE in the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL of purification, cleansing, transformation and evolution. Today we are focused on magnetizing and attracting tremendous energy to catalyze transformation on a personal, collective and global level. The WORLDBRIDGER enabled us to release and LET GO of the old Matrix, witnessing the DEATH of the old cycle and old Earth, we are now FREE and have created SPACE for the NEW to enter our lives and change our reality.🌈

During this next phase many souls will have the RUG pulled from under their feet! Their old foundations will crumble and they will be forced to seek new ground! Perhaps literally for some! Many RUDE AWAKENINGS will occur as humanity is forced to FACE the TRUTH that will be revealed for all to SEE.. Cognitive dissonance and denial will be matched with more persistance from Spirit for us to embrace this change and AWAKEN from the hypnotic spell that kept us in our collective slumber.

💥Get ready folks we are about to commence the TURBO SPIN CYCLE!! 🌀🌀🌀

MAGNETIC is tone number 1 in the SPIRITUAL realm as we initiate a new wavespell cycle. Power: Atrracts Action: Unifies Essence: Purpose. Day one of a new wavespell always starts with the Magnetic tone of purpose. In the beginning was the ONE!. From out of nothing, here ONE comes. Spinning happily – magnetising all that it requires for more excellent adventuring. Once strong in purpose, all will effortlessly come together. The Magnetic tone is all about ATTRACTION. Attracting everything that you require to fulfill your purpose and your goals. People, resources, relationships, money, support and all that you can imagine. The attraction seeks to unify all as one! Thus MAGNETIC kin have a very strong connection to SOURCE, and a gravitational pull to return there and bring all their buddies with them. The power of ONE is very strong today as it unites us all as ONE HU-MAN-ITY.

The MAGNETIC tone today will assist us in attracting all that we require to catalyze our transformation, in order to step up into our greater Divine purpose.. As this STORM will bring great social upheaval, the Wayshowers will need to be very focused and work together in steering this collective vessel to safer waters.


💥Hold on to your RED SHOES 👠👠Dorothy!!! THE STORM🌪 is here and we are no longer in Kansas!

CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE STORM 🌀🌀🌪🌪CAUAC Is the change-agent. BLUE STORM is continuing the PURIFICATION and cleansing process through upheaval and purging the dross. For the masses that have not awakened they will be challenged in order to evolve. CAUAC will forcibly clear any STAGNATION and push anything in its path with tremendous force – even for the unwilling. You cannot negotiate with a Tornado! 🌪You prepare and batten down the hatches or run for the hills!!! (or is that hide in the cellar? Seriously folks the matrix has programmed humans to FEAR change and thus we drag our feet and resist at all costs (better the devil you know!). However there comes a time when SPIRIT says “Enough is enough! Now is THE TIME.” So as they say in the movies – you either go willingly or they will put bring out the handcuffs. We all need to FEARLESSLY embrace change as a grand new adventure🌈 leading us to new untold pleasures and excitement. The pioneering spirit is one we all need to embrace during this evolutionary Ascension phase we are currently traversing.

BLUE STORM is the most POWER filled and energized of the 20 tribes/solar seals in the Dreamspell, affording a great well of powerful energy to be catalyzed and transformed for renewed purpose. All this extra energy that has been freed up through letting go can now be “funnelled” in to new projects🌱 and ideas designed to afford great planetary change and transform the lives of Earth’s citizens – ONCE THEY WAKE UP!!


SUPPORT: YELLOW SUN 🌞– AHAU EN-LIGHT-ENS us and encourages us to SHINE BRIGHTLY like the sun. So today we are attracting SOLAR energy from the SUN and our great Central Sun and magnetizing these codes through our own precious hearts. This enables us to generate all the energy and power we need to fuel our purpose with renewed passion and vigour.

The SOLAR codes are supporting this STORM in creating the IGNITION🎇of our Holy Flame 🔥to step up into our DIVINE purpose. AHAU will ILLUMINATE and reveal all the darkest of SHADOWS to be cleansed, purified and brought into the LIGHT. This is the DIVINE DECREE for our Planet as NO DARKNESS can REMAIN LURKING any longer. GAIA is evolving from being the “dumpster” planet in the Galaxy to becoming the SHINING STAR 🌟– CENTER STAGE.. As our Planetary battle is in the SPOTLIGHT and the attention of voyeurs throughout the Cosmos – our VICTORY is ASSURED. 🌠 There is nowhere to HIDE from the inevitable! GAIA ASCENDS🌎 and GOD WINS! END GAME!🏆

OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE COSMIC WIND🌬🍥🍃 – IK Within the STORM 🌪you can hear the whisperings of the purifying White Wind. Is it a gentle breeze 🍃tickling your ear or a howling gale🌪 trying to get your attention? This WIND is of COSMIC proportions – so the full force of GOD’S WILL and mighty POWER is the hidden SUPERPOWER today! The DIVINE whisperings will become a LOUDSPEAKER today – yelling at you – in your dreamstate – WAKE UP, WAKE UP – and take ACTION to avoid the negative repercussions of THE STORM! It is time to catalyze this power for your e-vo-lution.

Allow yourself to be fully present and LISTEN👂 for the messages or sounds to channel through and guide you to your hearts remembrance of your Divine Mission here. Tune in to the gifts and insight to see what needs to change in your life and you will arrive at a renewed sense of your Grander purpose for this next 13 day cycle.


CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED MOON 🌛👸 MULUC adds further purification and cleansing energy through the power of Universal Water. The GODDESS beckons us to Collectively transform to a more compassionate World where we LOVE and NURTURE each other as EQUALS – recognizing the Divinity within each person.. Embracing them as family. Our beloved brethren, all desiring to be the fullest expression of LOVE that they can be in a HU-MAN vessel.

The GODDESS will heighten your sensitivity today, increasing your intuitive knowing on what needs to CHANGE and transform in order for your life to FLOW more smoothly and effortlessly.

 The more we can FLOW, the further we can GO! 

Pure brilliance is known to FLOW towards us with this powerful code today. CHANGE IS UPON us beloveds, so the more our vessels are purified, the more pure energy we can draw into our being to be catalyzed. Going with this flow can negate the CHAOS 🌪🌩 and disruptive energies, so we can ride the waves of harmonious and celebrated change! 🎉🎊🎈🎆

Today’s question is “How can I generate and catalyze these transformative energies in order for my life to FLOW smoothly into the NEW REALITY?”

So STAR seeds, as a great man once said – it is TIME to go forth and “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi

Namaste’ 🙏🙏🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈

PICTURE CREDITS: Washington Monument struck by Lightning Photographer – Kevin Ambrose – Washington Post DIVINE GRATITUDE 🙏🙏🙏

Image may contain: night and sky
Image may contain: sky, night and outdoor
Image may contain: sky, night, cloud and outdoor
Image may contain: sky, night and outdoor
Image may contain: night


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.