6.20.23 ~ A Few B I G Finds


No joke – these first two especially are worthy of the BAM BOOM phrase.  Love, V.


Indeed he does – telling us two things (my opinion only):  One – that is not RFK we are seeing (he was one of “them”) and two – Jr. is in a mask as RFK……….Talk about a revealing mask-removal moment………


Event Horizon……….(btw VK is posting a lot of pics with bug-out bags – focused on the 3-5 day pack……….could be a reference to a trip we’re about to take related to this EH……….could be a reference to the final scene attempting to keep us here by “them” although according to YRFT we were promised a peaceful exit………)


He about ready to leave the stage and return to his experience with the Red Panda’s?





Linea shared this on f.b…………..WOWSER

May be an image of 2 people, the Oval Office and text that says 'could it be ???'



Ok – this reminded me of a dream I had this morning.  I was in a room – Gregg Prescott was at one end of a table, I was at the other end – off to his right was some woman with a lot of curly blonde hair – Sister D (from FL) was off to my right.  I was trying to talk to the curly haired blonde – who was defensive and sooooo programmed – and the talk was on Putin.  I said he wasn’t the bad guy on the stage – he was being used/controlled to take out the D S and N A T O factions.  I tried to get her to think strategically – she wouldn’t budge – wouldn’t listen so I look at Gregg and ask “who the heck is this woman?!” – he just shrugged and smiled – I turned to Sister D and said “So Sis, let’s go hit the beach and talk crystals” and the dream ended.


Could be one interpretation, yes………


17 bolts…………good gravy………..is this story even real??



After a couple of quiet days, ADSB is showing about 120 up atm (10pm EST).  Interesting call signs on a couple I saw – one a military 737 with the handle SAM2A (remember reading JFK Sr. used to call JFK Jr. SAM)……….the other the numbers 72223……..date reference perhaps?

I also remembered 17 saying only 20% would be public……..which is why it’s so frustrating for us because we want to see it ALL but can’t due to the nature of what’s taking place…….and so the frustration factor kicks in when we want to know why it’s taking so long and because what is being shown is so obvious to those who already did their homework.



The info I was looking for……..

Ok so something nudged me to check out 17 post 65 (reference above how many hours this signal went on – notice the traffic/departure reference…the “it has begun”………more to follow as expected imminent departure…..lol seriously?!):


Nov 02, 2017 8:07:18 PM EDT
:::::Flash Traffic:::::
Three letter agency embedded tracking/up-channel into POTUS’ Twitter to specifically target through specialized geo and send his location.
We anticipated this (see post a few hours ago).
It has begun.
Perhaps more posts to follow as expected imminent departure.
Ok – so I return to twitter and 3 tweets in a row are talking about our Homes – one referring to miracles another referring to weird occurrence happening and the last one on welcoming guests into your Home.  Sensing a theme here……..??!!  Anyway……….that’s it for now.  Trying to summon up an earth read from San…………Will share if she does.  Love, V.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.