6.3.23 ~ Let’s Not Forget


I “get” there is an awakening that continues.

I “get” there is a war going on.

I “get” there is a movie with a lot of ridiculous scenes.

I “get” there is a purpose in all of this.

And yet ~ let’s not forget those who are suffering because of it all.  At some point every one who claims to be on this journey of awakening/seeing needs to ask:  When does the suffering and loss become too much?  

Let’s not forget the children who are being forced to see perversion – think what that is doing to their minds – what it has already done (we hide as much as we can from our girl – but even she has seen some things we have had to explain – can’t keep ’em in that bubble in the way we would like and yeah that one alone really. disturbs. me now).

Let’s not forget the children who are now experiencing anxiety and depression – at levels not seen before.

Let’s not forget the patriot single mama who lost her child earlier this year – when medical disclosure and real treatment could have saved her child’s life.

Let’s not forget the single mama who doesn’t know how much longer her body and mind can hold out much less if she will have enough money to pay for rent much longer – when financial liberation and medical disclosure/release could have already helped her.

Let’s not forget the people who are losing their jobs – not knowing what they will do to provide for their families.

Let’s not forget the people who already lost their jobs and were forced to sell everything and move in with family.

Let’s not forget the millions of patriot awakened souls who have lost family and friends due to the fact that what THEY see is not being seen EVERYWHERE yet – and if it HAD by now – and healing would be happening instead of this isolating ongoing division.


And I am WEARY of seeing these numbers increase while this war/awakening/movie process plays out at this f’ing snail pace.

I don’t need to mention what this has done to my own family – I have shared that quite enough here.

As I said:  WHEN does the cost of struggling and suffering and loss become too high?  

God is in control?


Aren’t we told we are God/Source in body?

Oh but we’re not to question God, we’re told.


Says who?

And why?

I answer that one by saying God is in each of us and the God in me is clearly saying ENOUGH. IS. ENOUGH.

IF we’re stuck in this process here – playing out the way it is – then why the frigging frucking frack aren’t those who have the means to help DOING SOMETHING for these people I mention above?

If this Awakening is as we read – in the millions if not hundreds of millions – why that’s a lot of resources and talents and money – pooled together – to help ensure far less awakened ones have to suffer.

I see awakened ones with beautiful properties – as in 100 acres or more.  Good health.  AMPLE resources.  100 acres could house a lot of people in need.

There are awakened doctors and healers who help people heal far better than any of the “snake medicine” pushers – but most if not all don’t take insurance.  If they did, they wouldn’t be allowed to practice what they do.  And their treatments are often very expensive – sometimes insanely insultingly expensive.  Why aren’t more of them treating people on a sliding scale fee – or now and then for free?  

It’s like in this awakening we’ve been almost pushed into this narrative that we still have to look after ourselves.  There continues to be a lot of talk recently about survival of the fittest – how this war weeds out the weakest chain.  Appalling.  Also seeing a growing thought train of “you are responsible for only yourself – and you’d better have your sheot together for what’s about to take place because if you don’t, that’s on you” – all which makes me scream because THAT IS NOT GODLY.  There is NO HEART in that way of thinking and it quite disgusts me to see people in the awakening communities push that sheot.   Awakening doesn’t just happen in the mind it happens in the heart – where it matters most – and HEART HELPS.

When it can.

Ego minds attack and judge.

Heart, well, helps.

And we need that – more than anything – and now more than e v e r.






Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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