7.2.22 ~ Check in and some Finds/Shares




Productive, busy day.  Lots accomplished.  Thankful for the energy to do it all.  We are noticing the sun is still burning things – in spite of it being cool.  We have literally had 3 days of real heat.  I even shopped at a local neighborhood farm and noticed her Chard had the same burn marks on a couple of leaves as I am seeing here.

Mate and I also discussed something we have both seen with one particular individual (who we have both felt/sensed aren’t “real”):  We both saw this person freeze for far too long to be just a zone out.  And we have both noticed this person seems to change form – sometimes they are thin, other times plump.  No joking.  At one point I commented – did they lose weight?  Nope.  Then the next time I saw them – plumped up again.  I have felt that as this all plays out, we will really truly see more and more the nature of this reality.  It’s bizarre and creepy as f at times.  Also noticing more and more (mostly young) people who look neither male nor female.  We can’t tell.  And many of them wearing the duck masks.  Today at the stores – mate said over 90% covered.  For me, over half.

And yet people are waking up.


Ok – got that outta me.  That entry I made in my journal 30 years ago was right:  I am surrounded by robots and clowns.  An image I have seen in my mind for awhile – and hearing the line – from the tv show LOST, Season one:  GUYS WHERE ARE WE?

I am feeling this more. and. more.

Here’s what I’m seeing.




Whoa – this one’s interesting……..

The Biden Factor: Saudi Arabia Is in Discussions to Join the BRICS Coalition with China and Russia and Move Away from US with Potentially Explosive Consequences


*Peer Reviewed* Study Finds YOUNG Moderna Jab Recipients Have a Jaw-Dropping 44X HIGHER Risk of Developing Myocarditis Than the Unvaccinated


I don’t participate.  Is this unusual?

July 4th Weekend “Airmageddon”: 600 Flights Canceled, 2800 Are Delayed as of Saturday Afternoon


Yawn.  We don’t need any of this.

Bank of America Issues Chilling Forecast: No GDP Growth


Revolution In The Netherlands? Farmers Plan July 4th Protests, Supported By Huge Crowds (VIDEO)







Pretty ingenious if you ask me……….




Lake Mead Wasteland to Lake Las Vegas



VENUS and MARS – JUPITER on their poles – Mercury too until it literally disappears….. Neptune going in………Jupiter seems to be moving.  Earth is interesting – as has been for a few months – not only the pole – now the “h” is mostly gone.




@vincentkennedy Follows you




In response Vincent Kennedy to his Publication

Anon island is under contract…

What was I saying about the sun?
#EEKS see here sun is rising up and down outside of the expected time!

#EÈKS James at it, apparently real time and the status time is off, no longer aligns. Also those Noctliucent clouds are off the charts, blamed on space x lol

Bizarro. Personally both sounds like a good to me


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “7.2.22 ~ Check in and some Finds/Shares”

  1. Re You and mate witnessing shapeshifting–or Matrix morphing–or whatever the hell it is?…truly, it seems like the veil is getting thin to such a degree that “reality” ain’t even close to whatever it was when we were kids! Inverted and inside out and upside down. Sure hope it’s not CERN experiments!

  2. “…people who look neither male nor female.” I noticed that also. But then I’m used to it, because my son was also ando looking. He was such a beautiful baby, people thought he was a female. I had to constantly correct them. My explanation: Many positive “Starseeds” have come in to raise the frequency of this planet, for the last few years. Many et’s are merely observers moving among us. And some are service to selfer’s or negatives, if you will.
    This brings me to another theory. As the earth’s frequency gets higher and higher, a mask would come in quite handy at this time to hide their true identity, as glitches might show up and the glamour fails.
    Just my theory though.

    1. I am not referring to people who naturally have that beauty to them that can create some confusion – I understand that. I am talking about people who are making themselves look perverse. Males dressing up to look like drag queens. Women wanting to look like men. And now – kids who are intentionally making themselves look filthy. It’s an energy of perversion (that honors evil, knowingly or unknowingly) and has nothing to do with high vibrational energies.

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