7.5.23 ~ Check in/reflecting and some finds




Not understanding – again – how things are playing out – at least why they are.  Drugs found in the WH.  Big f’ing deal.  WHY Is there so much focus on HB?  For so long?  And a lot of alternative headlines about that 80’s female like-a-virgin entity.  Again – so what.  Total snooze-fest even with alternative media now.  Snooze-fest that is this movie too – certainly this part of it is – for most of us.  But I continue to take baby steps – searching within and without – ways to create my life the way I want and need.  Be nice if that abundance I continue to draw in and receive would show the fuch up for me already, you know?

Certain things wax in pushing me to become desperate – which is in some way my inner I NEED CHANGE NOW frustrated DONE part of me coming online.  But……I have learned this – remembering this:  IT IS UP TO ME TO DETERMINE HOW I FEEL.  It is ALWAYS my choice – even when it’s difficult as he!! due to others actions and energies – it. is. still. always. my. choice.  That being said – given the course I am on – it is difficult to near impossible for me now to be around anyone who is stuck and stagnant and choosing to give up or follow a narrative that says we are all screwed why bother.  I respect the choice – but I can’t be in that space.

Blocking is a useful tool.

Other than that – what a giant smackheaded sin it is for ANYONE to not be able to do what THEY NEED due. to. money.  P E R I O D.  OMG do I have a lot of anger over this one once again.  I don’t want to have that anger – so again I am focused on releasing and re-centering myself.  However I am losing patience in having to do this.  Why?  I should not have to.  And yet – I do.

Here’s what I’m seeing.








Personally, I would not recommend – I have Z E R O alignment with this – never have – no matter how strong your mind/spirit are.  When you are venturing into experiences/realities in which you have no real knowledge of, you do it sober – not under the influence of something – and even at that – just because you CAN go visiting some unknown space doesn’t mean you should.  Not until it is safe to do so (as in the dimensionals creating chaos are gone kapoot cleared out etc.)…….



While still in this system I seek all ways to increase my income………

(there is a video circulating from a tik tok channel – the guy who was allegedly on the plane w/the woman who got off the flight after becoming visibly upset after seeing one of “them”………the guy is satire……..block him and report him……..this is serious sheot here – the war w/the invisible enemy……done w/fools who think they “know” when they haven’t a f’ing clue what has been here with us…….)



Best video of the week.  This little boy is so precious!  And the end……..just beautiful.  Kindness is everything.




this brings up so much emotion in me – in ways i know i don’t have to share………too many clued out parents out there………..still seeking a tribe – at this point i will go TO them……….and what happened to his 2 year old sister?  this narrator just another uncaring/detached entity disguised as a human?



United together is the only answer……For me……..Ya’ll know I’m done with the plan in terms of waiting for it to play out to improve my situation…….I too am worn to the bone w/the isolation………..as he said COME ON – let’s get this rolling………let’s DO – T O G E T H E R..………Yeah – I feel this way inside every day……..



Like and support this theory………



Over 120 up in the states at 11pm EST





San with a lot of MEGA’s (Make Everything Grand Again!)

Gemini – Megaphone, Mega voice, Mega channel.




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.