8.17.22 Finds…………..





Sharing because my mate and I were talking earlier about the #7 being around – and for my mate most esp. the #70.  He is very well versed in biblical references…………and as we all know anything remotely big and “biblical” is on them……….



In my feeeeeeeeeeeeels – it happens in the blink of an eye……….T & M have both said things must change “fast”/”quickly”……….


When the movie ends everything will go dark. No communications or internet. Hopefully, not for 10 days. Then, like a switch being flipped, our world will change in the blink of an eye.
The heads of the snake were dealt with 5 years ago. The Vatican, Royal family, 23 evil families, etc. Last year, the crime families were eliminated. Clintons, Pelosi’s, Bushes, etc. Corrupt politicians, Fauci, Birx, etc, were next.
DC is a ghost town, including FBI. So who is this “Deep State” we keep hearing about? Our new USA is being assembled while we watch the movie. Not a small task. Ever assemble an Ikea desk? Kind of like that.






President Trump has the best sense of humor. I am crying. 🤣🤣🤣

Nothing like putting the TRUTH out there.





Then right below the Musk one above is this:

1968 is the year the song This Magic Moment came out.  Coincidence or synch?





This place is waaaaaay stranger than we think……


The doorway out – back to real space?  Reminds me of the dream I had many months ago – where I was inside some DMV office – and looked off to my right and saw a door that lead to Paradise.  I knew I was going there – wanted to go there…………..


Interesting – atm – there are 4444 shares…………



Lisa Harrison was focused on 8.18 too – in terms of time and “looping”……I know this – “they” have been oh so OBVIOUSLY repeating weather patterns here……….

Markets:  All in red but oil………..for the states…..Europe is all in red………..China all in red but one…….

KP – back down to green………..

San Tarot latest ~ interesting info in this one………..darkness event…things withheld and getting them back (returned)…………

Capricorn – Darkness event?




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “8.17.22 Finds…………..”

  1. We are truly in the big Simulacrum reset. And we are in a war for our sovereignty. This is a time of miracles. We are called to raise the vibration and to stand for Truth. Blessons!

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