8/22/2020 Finds and a Brief Reflection…


things are feeling really strange now…..i am sensing and feeling new territory….there is a lot of chatter about the election now as well as things going on in the cosmic realm……..i will share a bit of it all below.  for now, the word, as i mentioned above, is “strange”.  it all just feels STRANGE.

they keep throwing their “scenes” at us…but they just aren’t having much weight – at times no weight.  now we have two storms ready to hit Florida next week and suddenly we have 2 giant space rocks set to hit us – one in september and on the day before the election in November.  yeah….


love,  v.


What Exactly Are Brian Kolfage and Steve Bannon Accused of Doing? 



take off that dayem mask and BREATHE you beautiful little angel…you go girl!





well to be fair, “under God” was added during the 1950’s….the original anthem did not contain the phrase…


so that’s what VK was referencing when he has used the Red Panda in many of his tweets….hmmm….anyone else speculate SR is still with us and is actually VK?


i have the same question:


so that’s the deal – they w/d on their “mandatory vaccination” agenda only to present the people of AU w/this crap:


confirmed by the person posting this was not smoke/fire produced:



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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