9.28.23 ~ Check-In: Finds, Headlines, Etc.


At this point Jesus doesn't need to take the wheel ... He needs to pull over and spank some of y ...


Let’s hurry up this exit business and get it done like yesterday.  The energy – intense – challenging.  Felt good yesterday – and then I felt something waxing in last night that felt like pushback/blowback – that I resisted rejected pushed back – but came in anyway – lingering into today.  The ongoing experience here.  Could also be due to the flashlight in the sky.  Hmmm maybe that’s why I was up most every hour last night.  Nothing like a one-hour-at-time snooze fest to turn normally kitten mama into roaring raging unpredictable lioness.  😂😜

This is the longest classroom experience of SHOW & TELL I’ve ever seen.  You?  Yeah.  And ain’t no one providing us cupcakes!  😂

Right now, listening to classic country.  Patsy Cline is saying she’s Crazy.  For agreeing to come into this place, indeed.  But it’s a good kind of crazy because we knew we could break the codes and break the spells.

Here’s what I’m seeing to support that.




Starting off with something beautiful.  Humanity’s Heart:


and yet – we don’t see any of ’em………….hmm………..must be outside – or turned off ready to turn on……..










not vetted (above) – but seeing this headline:

House Freedom Caucus demands answers from McCarthy (axios.com)


Antarctic Winter Sea Ice Hits a Record Low ‘by a Wide Margin’ (msn.com)


interesting channel:






Aren’t lions mentioned?


“17”……..11.17. is a Friday – the 321st day of the year……….has a 3 2 1 vibe to it……

Sunday Government Shutdown Almost A Certainty As Congressional Leaders Look At ‘Overtime’ (msn.com)

Schumer told senators they can expect to have a procedural vote on Saturday before getting to a vote on the Senate’s short-term funding bill keeping the government’s lights on through Nov. 17.


That’s about all friends.  Feeeeeeeeeeeels like a lull.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.