911 systems nationwide suffer Monday night outage



Thanks to Sister D for the heads-up on this one.  They may want to consider a different OS.  Linux based, perhaps…


Microsoft 365 systems also report outage
Police and fire departments across the U.S. reported outages of their 911 systems Monday, outages that occurred around the same time as Microsoft 365 was also down.
Numerous emergency departments around the nation tweeted their 911 outages, first reported around 7 p.m. EDT.
Most agencies were reporting restored services around 8:15 p.m.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “911 systems nationwide suffer Monday night outage”

  1. On the Aurora: I have read in the past that the colors are caused by the electromagnetuc excitement of different chemicals in the atmosphere by the solar wind, and, that the stronger the wind, the further down into the atmosphere the effect is felt, and, that pink is quite deep into the atmosphere, so this must have been a strong solar pressure event.

    I am wondering if it contributed to the computer issues… the largest hospital computer system went down too yesterday… all those medical records, folk waiting for operations…

    If the digital voting does not work on the day, they will have to go to paper ballots, counted by hand…

    We are so dependent on computers for everything now, it is a very big weakness we have let ourselves be put into.

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