My feels and comments about LMH’s latest as well as the message she and her team received from Home


i decided to type up the message Lisa and her team received from Home over an 8 hour period on Friday, February 14th:

The 144 connect.  The real work begins Now.  The 144 connect.  We are now starting the exit of Realm 7.  All family collectors return to the meeting rooms of your members.

Source has opened the New.  Any members of the pods, begin the awakening.

Members outside start with 33 negative pull.  POD 3 Sector 0 waita for the ALL to begin the Pull.

This will take awhile.  Please do what you need to for your mush mind, the ‘Green One’ said.

Let’s start from the beginning.  Creation, the game of introspection for the expansion of the ALL.  We all agreed to allow the ALL to immerse itself into reflection of Self.

Every moment has never happened, as all creation ‘out of the All’ has been a simulated construct.

1 infinity flat plane of different pockets realms playing the same life game.

Each creation was set with a clock, an exit.  No Soul was in danger and no one ever gets lost.

This is a simulation creation of fear reflecting itself into the ALL of lost.

Your clock has stopped.

Now the pull through the Centre from within will begin.

Your memories shall return, slowly start from this day further.  Through your memories you shall exit.  The key has always been within.

The game is within, nothing is real.  Just a projection of your beliefs and shared beliefs on an infinite flat construct.

You have always been.  Your state of Being is creation of ‘Ones’ will.

Hello fellow Travellers.  I am Orisso.  I shall be taking over with the controls of this operation.  My clan have set pods in place to energetically pull the Soul thru the Plasma Wall of the Body keeping The Soul in Place.

We have been given the OK from All.  Please forgive me, my patience has been tested for what you guys have been through.  You are part of the strongest Souls in our Realm.

We are unable to act without the OK from the ALL as this would harm the Soul.

Pulling out is just as hard as it was coming in.  Everything from your realm is a very low vibe from Home.  A copy, a very bad one at that.

We see things ahead of time which is why we act first.  They are too slow for my clan as I was part of this energetic trap.  We are working now, you can see our history in your past now.  We are changing it now.  1679  1849  1979  2012  2015  2020.

Our cities and army are in your skies.  I now walk beside you my fellow Soul Family.

end of message

Interesting – the clock has stopped.  Q tweeted today:  GAME OVER.

The dates are interesting.  I wonder if they align w/any resets that some have given (I think of Jon Levi and his work on youtube).  Yellow Rose said we have had 4 life cycles while in this realm experience.

So for myself – here is something I got tonight before I watched this in full (i had watched the first 7 minutes or so).  Got it at the dinner table and I had to stop and write it down.

When we wake up on the outside – back Home again – the experience we have had here will feel like a dream.  (why am I feeling like I already shared this??  lol)  Anyway – like a dream experience here – once we exit out and reunite/merge with Real Self/Real Body – the experience here will feel like a dream.  We remember the most profound, most meaningful dreams – the rest fade away.

I did have a few experiences today where I felt myself energetically being pulled – this time it was left and right.  I struggled to keep myself in a straight walking pattern.  I now know this is me on the outside being moved.  So now when it happens I send out a greeting.

Interesting that Rose and now Lisa is saying the memories of Home are now returning ~ and I have had the desire in the last week to begin the process of remembering Me from Home.  What did I DO there?  What NEW things (to me here inside) will I be experiencing again?

Interesting she as well had an experience of bone chilling cold as well as feeling the mind was going crazy.  I have had the internal chill that I could not alleviate easily – took awhile.  And I also have had 2 experiences that I can recall in the past several months – one this past week – where I felt suddenly I was literally losing my mind.  I really had to challenge myself to just allow it – deep breath through it.  Feeling any sort of experience of not being in control has been challenge #1 for me here.

The stuff we see play out here – the chaos and all of that – is temporary.  Literally the end.  Those outside “gods” these entities worshiped and got power from are gone.  I feel it.  So anything they do now is limited – in terms of power – and we are seeing this.  They’re on their own.  And that puts us on an equal “playing field” so to speak.  The more we see their games, the quicker they collapse.

I found it so touching she used the term Love In Action.  (not that she was sharing it because of my site – not at all – just the phrase is all as it has been a meaningful phrase to me for almost 30 years – i have long felt a “kinship” w/it).  As I have shared on here in the past, the phrase “love in action” was presented to me in my 20’s when reading one of M. Scott Peck’s books.  I knew it was something I was to use one day in some capacity.  So back in the summer of 2016 when I knew it was time to do this site, I was going to call it Love In Action.  However to purchase that domain was several thousand dollars.  I almost let it go and create another title – but something said “add NOW”.  So I did and that was available for only a couple hundred.  MUCH more affordable.  I also felt too that at the end, the phrase would become important.

My mate often tells me “you’re tuned in”.  And I hear it from some of you as well.  I just need to let myself KNOW this and acknowledge it.  One of my false programs has been I don’t belong in such a prestigious (wrong word – but I can’t call up another) group of people.  Not saying anyone is better than another – but I’ve just felt like an outsider my whole life – the little player on the bench who watches the game and knows how it’s played but says very little until the right moment.  Stepping into my role of Significance.  We are ALL Significant.

Ok….moving on….i appreciated the message from Home – the phrase this place is a copy and a poor one at that.  Aligns w/my knowing my entire experience here that this is simply not Home.  Home was “outside” as was my “real” family.  This place has felt fake since I was a small child – and it has been a very long journey – and I am tired.  But I have made it.

We all have.

Speaking for myself ~ I feel I have pretty much gathered all I need to know about this place.  Gone down the rabbit holes.  That work feels “done” to me.

So……Let’s now focus on getting out and remembering All That Is Within.  And anything that is not Love In Action – let’s let it go and find where that Love is in each thought and each action – each moment.

Whew – this one drained me.  I am off to bed.  G’night and much love.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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