Today’s Reflection ~ Message from a Hawk


A very amazing, majestic thing happened today.  A Hawk flew onto our property, landed at the top of our American Flag, stayed for just a moment then flew off.

A first.

There wasn’t time to capture it on film.  My first thought was this had something to do with where we are in restoring not just the country of America but all lands.  GAME OVER.

According to Native American Spirituality, when Hawk presents herself to you, she is guiding you to follow your instincts, your inner Divine and often, this signifies leadership and new direction – literally getting ready to spread your wings and fly to new heights.




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “Today’s Reflection ~ Message from a Hawk”

  1. The great golden eagle came to visit me 3 years ago, the first time flying 20 feet over my head. He visited a few more times, and my life changed for the better, along with increased responsibility.

    And next spring 2 baby Hawks were born on my property.

  2. LOL my number is 11 also.

    born 8-11, but 11 just permeates my life

    I hope that is a good thing, I think it is.

    1. 11 is one of those “codes” to awaken us here. most of us who are on this journey of awakening recall seeing the 11 (along w/other numbers but 11 seems to be the one universal ##). 🙂

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