A card read from “LH”….


Another card read from “LH” – whose work I shared several weeks ago.  She did another one today and said I could share it here.  I want to add when I’ve done some of my own reads lately, a couple of cards/messages continued to come up:  new level of freedom/abundance and quick change in an unexpected way.  Enjoy!  (copied from gab)




#Eeks I haven’t done any readings for the last month. I felt pulled to the cards today, and got an extremely positive reading that gave me chills. It was more powerful than my last one and way more direct. No timeline questions this time, just a very general, “what is going on now, and what can we expect, regarding the Exit?”

ROW 1 (Fairy Godmother Oracle)

Venture, Exertion, Authority, Truthfulness

Actively on the journey of escape from the place where we were held captive and made to work in poverty, isolation and despair for selfish people’s benefit. On our way to somewhere better. In transit to where we want to be.

Been doing the work, now we’re tired and need to see results. Feels like spinning our wheels and going nowhere.

Authority figures telling us to “wait, be patient.” Holdups. Authorities we see are not actually the ones in control. They’re about to get either information or a command that will make them change their minds and act favorably for us, NOW.

Dropping everything you were doing physically, leaving it behind suddenly, for a life-changing magical experience. (Got strong rapture/Exit type feel from this card.)

ROW 2 (Crystal Visions Tarot)

Knight of Wands, 8 of Pentacles, Justice, Knight of Cups, 6 of Wands, King of Swords, 4 of Pentacles, The Sun, 10 of Cups, The World

Positive energy moving fast. Allies are active, in motion.

Work is getting done, close to completion.

Justice is being served.

Loving messages with promises of better things, but change coming too slow.

Victory. The battle has already been won. It’s already over.

Leaders know the truth but aren’t talking about it. Tight-lipped. Things look severe and bleak.

Someone is holding onto something tightly and keeping things hidden, not ready to release it. (Secondary message here because the figure holding the coins is clasped around a tree, made me think Tree of Life. The four coins made me think of how Rose said that the underworld went down to 4 families/groups, from 9. So maybe the holdup is so they won’t lose any more of their bunch?)

Everything brought to light. Wave of joy and relaxation. Sun going nova.

Reunion with family, loved ones, longed-for happy ending, true joy.

Rebirth. Leaving the old world/life behind, starting over fresh. Going up from earth to a higher place on the Tree of Life.

ROW 3 (Oracle of the Shapeshifters)

Dragonling Garden | A new world is born
Orca Magick | The Akashic libraries open
The Butterfly Ferrets | I am reborn

Dragon allies helping. “A new world is born” – that’s pretty straightforward.

Busting free from the ‘bubble’, the dome, out of containment, and regaining our freedom out in the real cosmos. Regaining our memories.

Breath of life into a ‘new’ body (our real bodies). Waking up into new life.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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