A few more finds….


Remember this?  I have never aligned with Bitcoin/cryptocurrencies.  It isn’t real money (although our dollar bills aren’t either but hey it is something you can actually hold).  We’ve always preferred silver ourselves.  DJT spoke of that many years ago and how highly undervalued it was.  He’s been guiding us for years.  There are a lot of trolls on some of the media sites now pushing the crypto cr@p.  Not interested.  Not buying.  E V E R.



And this is mainstream.  He’s already telling us it has already been happening.  (And “ex” Trump adviser?  lol  Riiiight….)  And remember Sidney “MS KRAKEN” Powell herself this week said the fraud election should result in Trump simply being reinstated – which also went mainstream.  

Ex-Trump adviser Michael Flynn says Myanmar-like coup ‘should happen’ in U.S.


Some wonderful news (speaking of nature – our birds are suddenly gone.  but we have had a beautiful Raven visiting us recently.  i felt it wanted to communicate with us.  this morning it showed up and hung around so i brought out a few walnut pieces – left it on the ground.  it watched me and turned back to walk my way.  i went inside as it seemed hesitant – and my daughter and i watched from the window as it walked over and picked up a piece and flew away.  



More beauty:





I asked on a social media page – those who are Jewish (and practicing) – doesn’t the ja b go against the Kosher practice?  Someone sent me this:

A Very Smart Rabbi States 31 Reasons Why He Will NEVER Receive a COVID-19 Vaccine



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

4 thoughts on “A few more finds….”

  1. Totally agree with you on the crypto currency.

    Funnily enough, a few weeks back mum started mentioning it…

    She has NEVER invested in the stock market, or anything like that, then, out if the blue she asks me what I think of it…

    I said, “It’s a scam.”

    You invest in the invisible – you don’t even get a fake paper token for your money.

    As you observed, there has been an uptick in the crypto push… I wonder if this is a result of them turning up the 5G, then, when their audience are, as a result, mentally susceptible, they subliminally push their chosen topic:
    orange man still bad
    take the vax
    wear the mask
    buy crypto…

    It’s like the movie “They Live” (cheesy B movie, about aliens living amongst us, who are only visible as alien, if the human brain is re-tuned by being exposed to a certain frequency. The hero wins by transmitting the frequency from a tv station, allowing the general population to see the aliens).

    It’s sounding more like a documentary, every day.

  2. It seems many of the things we once only thought of as entertainment – are turning out to be SO much more…

    We watched Stargate, the movie, last night.

    The sarcophagus healing equipment, suddenly made me think of med beds…

    Later in the tv series it is revealed that the sarcophagi – that heal the body – also affect the mental outlook of the person who uses them multiple times – turning them into psychopaths. Daniel Jackson experiences this effect, and I am trying to remember how he rectified this situation – maybe I need to watch the series again…

    It also may, in a back handed way explain why the goa’uld were the way they were.

    If med bed tech exists – to the extent that they can revive the dead – what would that do to the psyche, the mental outlook of the person using the tech?

    1. that’s an excellent question…..how the mind goes from being disabled – sick – to fully alive/restored again? i imagine there would be some assistance for the mind too to accept. could be like spontaneous healing. that happens and i haven’t heard of anyone going psychotic after such an event. still – interesting question to ponder….

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