A couple of additional shares……….


Thank you so much to Sister Denise ~ for passing these along to me ~ for listening and seeing not just my heart, but my girls.  A lot of really good words in these pieces by Naomi.  Many of you will be able to relate.  Love, V.


This one is on forgiveness……….forgiving those who criticized us………attacked us……….questioned our medical choices………followed us in stores ~ all for not conforming to what the government dictated………..A lot of healing is upon us – every. one. of. us………..As the truth is coming out – quickly – persistently – have any of you received an apology yet?  I have yet to see one.

I forgive them, because my soul instructs me that I must.

But I cannot forget.

Are we supposed to just pick up again, as if emotional limbs were not crushed, as if emotional hearts and guts were not pierced, as if with sharp objects? And that, again and again?

As if there has been no savagery, no massacre here?

All those people — now that athletes are dropping dead, now that their own loved ones are sickening and hospitalized, now that the “transmission” is known to be a lie and the vaccines’ “efficacy” itself is known to be a lie – are they — sorry? Are they reflecting upon themselves, on their actions, on their consciences; on their immortal souls; on what they have done to others; on their part in this shameful melodrama in American and world history – a time that now can never be erased?

I don’t hear it. I don’t hear any apologies.



This is a very good share on what this lockdown did to us as women and our children ~ ESPECIALLY (for me) the children.  I have no problem roaring now – and I ask and continue to ask all women to ROAR – for the children.  What was done to them…………..ooooh the thoughts/emotions I have on this one ~ ya’ll know………..

I am not a partisan. I am not. I don’t care any more about labels. I don’t care about parties. They are all corrupt. No one will do right unless the people force them to do right.

I care about the Constitution and I care about personal liberty.

But I also care especially about the women and children of America.

I’ve tasked myself with the job of alerting women to systemic threats to their wellbeing, and I have done so faithfully for 35 years.

So there you are. I have done so now too.

Make what you will of this information.

But on Tuesday, for whomever you may vote — as Abigail Adams would have said — please, Remember the Ladies.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.