A couple of interesting financial happenings



SATURDAY, FEB 13, 2021 – 15:40

Silver in London’s underground vaults is running low.

Derivative powers that be are on full defense.

Going on various fiat bubble vision shows, trying to belittle growing interest and physical bullion buying.



FRIDAY, FEB 12, 2021 – 7:19
There has been talk for a few weeks now of a possible Indian bitcoin ban as well as an Indian ban of all non-State sponsored cryptocurrencies to pave the way for an RBI (Reserve Bank of India) cryptocurrency. Now, according to the latest report from a senior Indian Finance Ministry official that stated, “Cryptocurrency isn’t fiat currency backed by the Reserve Bank of India, and its usage in all forms will be banned through the new law that will be introduced in Parliament,” India will pass legislation soon that will ban cryptocurrencies within the nation, a decision that will obviously significantly impact 7 million Indians that collectively hold more than $1 billion in cryptos. However, the details of the ban are still lacking. Will only trading be banned, or will ownership be banned as well? And if ownership is banned, will the Indian bitcoin ban try to force conversion of BTC and all other cryptocurrencies back into rupees, as was attempted with a Modi-led 2016 gold demonetization plan (that thank God, for Indian citizens, miserably failed)?

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.