A couple of videos on the solar energies – visuals in the skies – and it all is impacting our bodies


editor victoria’s comment ~ i removed a previous article as i thought tomorrow was the 14th and thus wanted to give you all a heads up – for energies that actually came in today.  what can i say other than “it’s the energiezzzzz” causing these mental snafus.  lol  anyway i was feeling into all of this energy stuff and i continue to return to this knowing that this is about us getting out of this frequency realm.  whether we actually go to a NEW realm altogether OR this one is instantly transformed remains to be seen/witnessed.  the escape route is being created and it is my feel these energies are more about breaking down and ending the matrix than they are in actually changing our DNA and the like.  i feel most of that will happen after we are free from this experience.  just passing this along….

some validating words in paul butler’s video (first one) and mrmbb333 has some amazing sky captures which i feel are showing the matrix glitches.  since when does lightening flash upward – in a straight line no less!?  yeah….

one last note on these 3 “cme’s” incoming – which i believe i wrote earlier were “surprises” (and again since when are such huge CME’s ever a surprise by the “experts”??)…..could THESE be the 3 waves of energies some of us have seen over the years?  i thought perhaps the (3) 24 hour blasts on the schumann on the same dates in feb. march and april were an indication of the 3 waves.  maybe what is coming in now is another of the 3 waves.  will there be more?  stay tuned (inward)…..keep hydrated and rested and be mellow because the drama is rather amped now…..


Published on May 14, 2019



Published on May 14, 2019


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.