A Divine Message for Today ~ Honoring All Who Nurture


Desktop, Abstract, Bright, Luminescence

Well this shows I have either the “mama brain” or the “ascension brain” or the “middle age brain” or the “I don’t know what’s going on but wthey is happening w/that memory thing…..”  I had this beautiful message come to me in the shower (of course!) and I have promptly forgotten much of it.

Probably because I have been sidetracked.

“Mama I need some new flip flops!”  (it’s warm today and last year’s shoes no longer fit)

“Honey check out this energy pulse that went through the entire country last night!”  (it really is bizarre and hopefully i will remember to link it later today)

“Mooooooooooooooooooooom i neeeeeeeeeeed………xyz”…

“Honey are you busy???”………

Me: where are my shorts?  Seriously where did I put the rest of my warm weather gear?  look look tear apart closet look under bed ugh oh god it hurts to get up that fast…oh THERE they are o m g so that’s what mildew dampness looks like on clothes…

So where was I??

Oh yeah!  (i seriously did forget…lol)

I was thinking about not just being a mom but being female….feminine…. and feeling honor for all of us who nurture life.

I extend to you my blessings for quiet inner sacred peace and gratitude for all YOU ARE…and DO.

Whether you nurture a pet….

whether you nurture the wild animals in nature…

whether you nurture nieces and nephews and grandchildren…

whether you nurture children in your neighborhood….

whether you nurture your mate or ailing family members…

whether you nurture your own child….

or a combination of all of the above….

in nurturing we Serve.  So seriously ~ enough of this guilt coming from some who claim we are all so service to self.  If anything we NEED to be MORE in Service to our own needs wants and desires so we can Serve Fully the ALL.  That makes us even….. uh what does it make us i got sidetracked again with a story my child had to share with me about her trip around the neighborhood and of course suddenly she is hungry N O W…

But before I make lunch for her NOW….

I am going to take time for ME NOW…..

and finish this one….

and send my love to ALL of you who nurture.

All who are in touch with your Divine Feminine and who share that with those around you in a nurturing manner.

You make a difference.

We all do.

And so…..

I thank You.

I Honor You.

And I celebrate You.

Much love,

Victoria (who yes was sidetracked again with a request to go to the college girl’s house on the corner who adore her and i said “what about lunch” and get the confused thinking look that says “ok i want to go over there really bad right NOW but i also need to eat so what do i do????”………all in a day’s gathering of little such miraculous moments….no matter how comical or annoying or beautiful they are)


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.