A Few Thoughts for Today


I cannot believe how tired I am today.  Dragging myself tired.

I have been meaning to ask this of all of you~ have any of you had the feeling that as we get closer to this energy event, you will be sleeping more? It was last year sometime where I saw myself spending great deals of time in bed.  If I had the ability to do so, the luxury that is, I would have been in bed all day today.

Any of you having a lot of bloating right now and weight gain (around the middle esp.)?  My mate and I are both asking “wth is happening to our bodies?”  We are by nature long and lean.  We eat good – exercise (I have increased my exercise).  Oh well ~ love thyself and thy body ~ including the chubby parts.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”smiley” wrap=”i”]

I had a disturbing experience in the parking lot at the store.  Some man was staring at myself and my daughter ~ mostly my daughter.  I kept her close and stared right back at him, saying “WHAT?!”.  He said nothing ~ turned away from me only to turn back moments later.  He continued to watch us as we got into the car and I continued to look back at him when I could (which when I did he would look away).  I drove home a different way just in case and when I arrived, I remembered the store had a video camera in the parking lot so I phoned the store, shared what happened.  I received a call back later in the day and was informed they saw what happened and know the guy ~ a long time customer who has had the same complaints before. Harmless (likely) but still – dude – stop with this invasive behavior.  So management is going to speak with him and make it clear he needs to stop if he wants to continue shopping there as there have been several complaints against him.

Yes, harmless most likely but damn if it didn’t reinforce my strong desire to be out of this realm so I never. have. to encounter. anything. like. this. again. A decent human being does not stare at another human being in that manner ~ especially when one of them is a SMALL CHILD.

Don’t get me started on staring at my daughter and what that did to me. And to her.  We are still talking about it.

My mate later went downtown to get some supplies ~ returned and said we were “done” going into the city (downtown) for anything.  He said there were groups of sketched out people all over, many smoking their vape pens (which contains who knows what – you can put anything into them).  Homeless vans and campers line some of the streets.  This city is a recognized sanctuary city – and might I add for ANYONE.  Not exaggerating. The homeless come here because of the policies of others cities.  Word got around anyone can come here regardless of behavior, crime record, etc. and the city does nothing about the issue other than letting them live anywhere they want for the most part.  The panhandling is scattered throughout the area.

I have a deep desire to see open borders and the freedom of people to live as they please but the problem is many if not people don’t understand freedom. People come here, live in the streets, many of them on meth and thus are unstable.  They leave their garbage all over the place.  They steal from businesses (a friend was assaulted at the place he works by one of them).  They harass passersby (had that experience ~ it was frightening) and in short, take away the right of ALL to live peacefully.  I am overly done with coddling this crap. What about my right to freedom?  To safety?  To take my child out and about without worrying some whacked out freak (or sexual predator – we have enough of those in this area) disturbing us? Speak like that and the locals cry “discrimination” or “you are being politically incorrect.”

As my neighbor said “the city is great with coming up with plans but totally fails in implementing any of them”.  In the meantime, we no longer visit the library because of the crime and the drug dealing that goes on in the park across the street.  And what a paradox it is that the frigging police station is 2 blocks away.  I have inquired – why not place a full time officer in the park to police the place?  Put an end to this sheot.  Parents have complained about this problem as well as the needles found.

I want out.

O U T.

I want my tribe.

I want my small community.

If it isn’t new earth, then I command to be shown where this next place is and to open the doors to enter for I will no longer allow one more experience into the life of this family that violates our basic right to safety.

The energies are reinforcing the insanity in some.  For me it is bringing up the HUGE sense of outrage I have felt over boundary violations going back to young childhood as well as my HUGE desire to live FULLY FREELY. Safely. Securely.  So more purging today is going on, which a part of me says “use it to release and heal” but a newer part of me says “I have already seen this issue for what it is.  If the system bots would STOP WITH THEIR violating behaviors, I would not have to DEAL with the issue.”

Right??!!  lol

That is all for now…

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Victoria the weary one this evening


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “A Few Thoughts for Today”

  1. Yes, your experience with your daughter can be regarded as a way to take us out of our game. As we climb higher and higher, the attempts may become more frequent. As James G. said, every known multi dimensional that does not want the “new Earth” is now becoming more visible on this plane. I try to flick them off like a flea. Sometimes that works and others not so much. I find it very difficult to flick off the chemtrails and cold snowy weather in April because I enjoy being outside so much. It is constant work. Looking for bald eagles and watching the finches turn gold helps. It is my only Joy looking outwards sometimes. I am one who lives still in 3D and has to survive by going to work in it. I dismiss those who tell me otherwise.
    However, over the past few days I have received requests for my workshops from two sources. My workshops are not your standard .gov “healthy plate” garbage, so I am grateful for this.
    I believe in your sleep state is where you are truly “ascending” because it is so difficult in the “real” ha ha world.
    With Honor and Reverence

  2. Yes to the being tired, bloated and feeling fat. Couldn’t fall asleep again last night. I think i had one good night’s sleep this week. I usually don’t eat anything after 7 pm and sometimes don’t eat again until 11 or 12 the next day. I eat my salads and fruit, and eat small portions mainly because i feel so stuffed even just eating a small amount. Drink my water too but still woke up feeling stuffed and my pants feeling tight. I exercise too. I have a book on hypothyroidism and a lot of the symptoms are the same as energy symptoms. I think that the energies mess up our glands and hormones and that is why we feel fat even if we exercise. I sure hope we are “there” soon (NOW). I think we have all been saying this for years, but I keep intending it for NOW and I see a lot of you all out there are too!!!

    Hope to see you all someday soon,

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