a few thoughts…..


i am feeling into something i just saw:


again i apologize – my site won’t upload .mov files so you will have to go to the link to watch.  if you aren’t on that site (which is excellent, overall, btw) – it’s a man in a restaurant standing in his right to eat among everyone else.  he is unpoked and states his religious exemption – which the restaurant has a notice saying they will not discriminate against x y z including religious beliefs/practice.  so the guy is refusing to leave.

we need more of this.

i recently shared when my mate went to a local business in support of someone who was being hassled for not wearing a face diaper.  my mate was stating his truth – telling people what he knows about the cv, etc.  when the local patriot group arrived, my mate was told he needed to not cause a disturbance.


we NEED to be loud.

we NEED to be SEEN.

truth is inconvenient only to those too weak or scared to see it.

we need people to STAND.

BE in the position of FREEDOM we want to be IN.

so cause a disturbance – which when done correctly is really just sharing and showing a truth that is uncomfortable.  the days of being p.c. are over.

moving on…

i want to thank those of you who have reached out and asked about our girl and shown concern for her recent experience of betrayal.  while i am saddened and disappointed at some who i thought would have shown something by now (and have not) – it does help me see who, in the end, really cares about her.  about our family.  it just takes a few moments to show that.  it’s better to know who really has your back and who doesn’t.

one last share – i had a dream i was looking in the same direction i have long seen “things” happening.  i saw 5-6 white orbs moving around, getting in position for something.  it felt like today, to be honest.  very present – nothing long into the future.  the air was warm – it was dusk – i grabbed my camera, called out my mate and daughter – and we watched.  then the experience ended.  this was after i had a dream i was “going Home” after being in another country that was like america but wasn’t the real thing.  i had 3 bags packed that i was trying to drag along with me to hop on the plane.

definitely things feeling different.

so again – blessings and thanks to all who have shown support for my girl – who is still upset.  we all do lousy things at times of course – but it’s when we own those things and/or when we know someone has been harmed and we reach out – especially when it’s a child – that matter.  at least to those of us in this house.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.