A fun/interesting Gematria


Vincent Kennedy dropped this one:

Taking the caps:  SHWYDT  (and no – i did not partake of drunken tweeting – i’d really get in trouble then.  HA!)

All The World’s A Stage

Reveals The Truth

Open All The Gates Now

Destruction of Construction




The Event

One September Ninteen
Thirty Nine  (that date nudged at me – close to WW1 – so i looked it up.  September 1, 1939 is the date the German invasion began in Poland.  We know the nazi agenda never disappeared.)

On December Eleven Big
Peace Is At Last  (you all know i don’t do “dates” – as much as i want them – but december 11 has come up more than once this week in the gematria’s)

One Seven (there’s that 17 again)

Placeholder (kue uses that term)




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.