A gematria………and some puzzle piecing with John Kennedy Jr………..plus the YELLOW SUBMARINE



My spouse picked up a hot wheel – Beatles – Yellow Submarine.  On the right side was a small clipboard for doing movies.  It was based on the 1968 movie Yellow Submarine (which I saw several years later – somewhere – or maybe I saw the cartoon – anyway it felt like a yuck mind trip for my young mind at the time – I didn’t like it one bit).  Anyway – it felt very synch-like given the “time” we are in.  Affirming we’re on a ship under water – in some sort of a sim movie.

So I decided to do a gematria on YELLOW SUBMARINE (then got sidetracked as often happens w/these rabbit hole journeys):

John The Revelator

This is where I get sidetracked.  John (John Kennedy) who is also referred to as R.  What if…………John The Revelator – biblical days – was aka John of Patmos and was said to be the author of the Book of Revelation.  You know – what if – all of this religious stuff being pushed is simply WH/GOOD mirroring their insanity back on them with characters of GOOD playing the roles “they” originally created to harm and control us…….

John of Patmos is said to have lived on a Greek Island – the island of Patmos (hence the name).  Remember after John Kennedy Jr’s father was assassinated, he went to live in Greece with his mother and Aristotle Onassis (the island of Skorpios – western coast of Greece).

Anyway……..enough of that detour (for now)……….back to the gematria for YELLOW SUBMARINE:

Let There Be Light And There Was Light

My Fellow Americans

Chinese Spy Balloon (got another one here this week)

Blackout Necessary (right out of 17 drops below – 3 of them)

Never Ever Give Up (even if you gotta cuss the whole time)

I Am R Kennedy The Scribe Of God Frequency  (ya!  lol)

Supernova Avatar




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “A gematria………and some puzzle piecing with John Kennedy Jr………..plus the YELLOW SUBMARINE”

    1. I understand the Yellow Sub dark response. And as many of us might consider the Tavistock interference-re: Yellow Sub’s subtext…the underside of the parable is decidedly dark.
      However, the ‘Blue Meanies’ is also a forewarning (think of Simpsons or South Park contexts)…so–while the feeling might’ve left a sour taste in our mouth, we were still being enlightened.

      Orwell’s “1984” message wasn’t a pleasant one. And The Beatles spin-offs weren’t always ‘unicorns & rainbows.’ “Revolution”-the song had a line: “you can count me out (in).”…The subtext often contains the clues.

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