One thought on “A good BOOM share”

  1. BOOM! I really appreciated seeing this. I believe most of us patriots are feeling a bit queasy re Garland’s message to all of US–via the tragi-comical invasion of Melania’s closet. I just had an insight that the so-called “patriot act” has a veiled significance: It was designed to target “patriots!” Once again, this illustrates how diabolically deceptive the Left is with their Nazti gaslighting inversion psyop tactics. I can envision Dick Cheney smirking to himself as he pulled that one off. We are merely contemptible deplorables in their eyes. Btw–the recent Dark Journalist/Dr Farrell interview is well worth the time. Dr Farrell explains how the Federalists connect with the emergence of the Oligarchy we have today. Thank you for the updates!

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