A moment of Synchronicity………….past proves future…..


About a year or year and a half ago I was really into singing/hearing “I Sing the Body Electric”.  During one of those moment the chills and tears came over me and I KNEW this was the collective song for The Event.  That moment of transition.  I was into it for a few weeks then went on and away from the song.

Last week it began going through my mind again.  Hmmm, I thought and pushed it aside while also having this little feel within it was back for a reason.  Still, I pushed it aside.

Then today I am on a social media page.  One of my friends has recently traveled to Egypt and is having, to say the least, AMAZING experiences.  He lives in my state and is wide awake as to all of the changes taking place. Quite a cool guy.  Anyway, so today he shares a dream he had last night (he’s still in Egypt) and he experienced the grand awakening and saw humanity holding hands, singing.  The message he heard was: “WE HAVE WON! THE WORLD HAS FINALLY AWAKENED AND THE DARK ONES ARE DEFEATED.”

The words he then began to hear as he was uniting with others in the streets?  “I Sing the Body Electric.”  !!!

So I shared my experience and a woman responds back saying during the same time frame as myself, she as well began hearing “I Sing the Body Electric”.

I would say this is a huge synchronicity and one I deeply appreciate receiving.  Past proves future?

He also heard this at the end of his dream experience (which I would say was a Vision):  “I started sobbing uncontrollably from such a sense of invitation and ineffible bliss. This warm sense of love came to and through me. “THIS FEELING IS WHO YOU REALLY ARE. The masses are once again ready to receive this message and get back to living in true alignment with their intended purpose.“‘

The time is upon us.  Celebration is at hand!  We are the Event.  We become the Stars we once were ~ crystalline ~ fully awake ~ fully in our POWER.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.