A Note of Thanks and Gratitude to You ~ My Subscribers/Readers


earlier tonight i was looking through my list of subscribers.  i read each name and for some reason i began to cry a little.  i felt each of you and for what ever reason, at some point, each of you decided to click the subscribe button to this site.  and i felt and feel immense gratitude for that. sometimes i forget i am sharing material that will be read by actual people.  i know it sounds weird.  in this virtual realm i have to stop and remind myself – there are people behind the names.  quite often i am just so busy looking for things to share, i forget the human element in all of this.

on march 29, 2017 i first installed the plug-in that allowed people to subscribe.  and now here it is a little over a year later and here you all are. most of you still here.

and i thank you for that!

i continue to do the best i can (most of the time) to share my heart, my truth and any information i find important that is reminding me and all of us of our awakening and transition to freedom and love.

thank you for being there along this journey with me.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “A Note of Thanks and Gratitude to You ~ My Subscribers/Readers”

  1. Dearest Victoria,
    Thanks for the Thanks..😘…When I first subscribed I had NO idea of the daily amount of material I would get in my mail ..at first a little overwhelmed and contemplated( after a looooong day) U subscribing…BUT THEN ..there’s this cool as avatar..and a description of someone that just sounds like me…or maybe I would have loved to use it first 😂😂…But honestly Victoria, I soooo resonate with mostof your rants, ideas. And am intrigued at most of the posts..Its amazing to know thwa YESSSS we are awake, we know soooo much we’ve done so much( I walked away from twenty years in a family bussiness to start with NOTHING ..Well materially just because the Angelic realm came for a visit….!!!!!) I’ve looonged for this ” Event”..”Ascension … A new world for over 5 years and yessss everything DOES happen for a reason …AND..Victoria..you share the same feelings .thoughts and knowledge..new and old and contemplative…just to know this Goddess , Truth seeker and Kick ass cool chic, is on the same vibe as me …makes me smile and write this makes me think ONE DAY we will meet and party…Thanks so much again we must be SIS STARS 🌻🌻🌻🌻🕉🌞😎🌈👣

    1. thank you cathy. 🙂 and it’s a good reminder for me to find a plug in that will enable me to just send one e-mail per day listing all posts. there was one i found but was advised not to use it for the current version is not reliable. t/y for hanging in there! i know it’s a lot of emails in your box.

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