A perspective on that energy signature that showed up everywhere on 11/11/18


November 11 Was SIGNIFICANT, As Informed In AdvanceĀ šŸ˜ƒ

Yes, something VERY SIGNIFICANT happened that day.

We were being told by ‘Q’ or ‘QAnon’ for over 8 months that 11/11 is a significant marker. Most of us were thinking that the DeepState arrests would happen by that date. As the month drew closer we realized that nothing in news circles (MSM or Alternate) was indicating towards any such activity. Hey! Hillary was still walking free. Comey was spewing lies. Brennan was tweeting from his a$$. Clapper was getting manicures on MSNBC. We The People were getting anxious that not much action was being taken towards cabal, or otherwise called DeepState. The Grand Military Parade was cancelled as well. Most of us were looking forward to going to it. Some of us started realizing by September that the arrests were not going to happen soon. Our other hopes were of the Red Wave. We started thinking that maybe the elections would wipe off DeepState operatives from public position. Nope. That was not the case either. We were also hoping that perhaps the Mueller investigation would wrap-up. No sir! No Mam! That didn’t happen either.

So, what happened on November 11 2018?

Something very powerful, earth-shaking and mysterious happened that day. Did you catch up on the news on ‘The Mysterious Seismic Wave’ that rippled around the world on 11/11? MSM reported that on the morning of November 11, just before 9:30 UT, a mysterious rumble rolled around the world. It began near Madagascar and was observed all the way around the globe in Hawaii. It rang for 20 minutes but was inaudible to all humans. No scientific explanation has been found for it by anyone yet. Scientists did report that the signal was a clean zigzag dominated by one type of wave that took a steady 17 seconds to repeat, meaning it repeated every 17s.


Where have I heard that number?
What about the 17th alphabet?
Is that ‘Q’?

Interesting ‘coincidences’ that the number 17 keeps repeating on so many occasions. President Trump wears a jersey with 17 on it. A conference call is setup with POTUS and the passcode numbers add up to 17. Many examples exist. Do you believe in coincidences? When does it become mathematically impossible for these to be coincidences?

Here is what I learned from Dr Michael Salla’s interview on Edge Of Wonder channel – The Seismic Wave was created by Alliance (QAnon or whatever you want to call them) as a notice to DeepState that they have taken over control of the advanced technology. Prior to this cabal had destroyed a large part of California by artificially creating fires, which began in the town of Paradise. There was a reason for that. Paradise is/was one of the central locations for EBENs, who have been living among humans. The fires were created using DEW (Direct Energy Weapons) deployed on satellites that cabal controlled. Alliance took over control of those satellites and as a open notice to cabal created the Seismic Wave for which no scientific authority could identify the root cause. It had the unique signature of ‘Q’ – the number 17.

Now, this may seem like fiction to many readers. And its okay. They are still in the process of opening up their mind. Direct Energy Weapons are not fiction. Lockheed Martin openly advertises them. Check out this link –
(Ā https://www.lockheedmartin.com/ā€¦/capabā€¦/directed-energy.htmlĀ ).
Most of our aircraft carrier Naval vessels were fitted with advanced laser weapons early last year. Check out these links –
(Ā https://www.businessinsider.com/no-us-aircraft-carriers-depā€¦Ā andĀ https://nationalinterest.org/ā€¦/americas-new-aircraft-carrieā€¦Ā ).

Despite DeepState having control over the business and political arena in USA, our 5 branches of defense remained untainted. QAnon is Military Intelligence. Most likely from DIA and NSA. General Mike Flynn is one of the few. who established the QAnon such that the Executive Branch’s top leadership may leverage it to reach the public and bypass MSM.

QAnon is just the tip of the iceberg. The Titanic that DeepState created over decades will sink.

–Ā Ya Sharma


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.