A Perspective on Trump, Saudi Arabia, Khashoggi, the cabal and the petro-dollar


editor victoria’s note:  this is not my piece.  it is quite insightful.  i am leaving it as it – typos and all (makes me cringe but i don’t edit other’s pieces).  [wp-svg-icons icon=”grin” wrap=”i”]


Fiona McMurdo

1. Trump has a sit down with the King of Saudia Arabia last year. The King holds a sword dance to honor President Trump.

2. Last November the House of Saud is cleaned up. The Ritz hotel becomes a jail. A certain prince is stripped naked and hung upside down from the ceiling to tell the others they ain’t messing around.

3. While “Deep State” is an American term, let’s call it “The New World Order” or “Global Cabal” for the international level.

Anyway, they lose their men inside the Saud Kingdom as Mohammed Bin Salaam cleans up.

4. The Global Cabal, lead by such families as the Rothschild and Paysuer families need to get back a Saudi Arabia. Specifically, they need to take MBS out. They set a trap and this khashoggi character as a pawn to be sacrificed.

5. Khashoggi dies. MBS is blamed. Ideally this sets a rift between Trump and Saudi Arabia as Trump gives in to pressure and places sanctions of Saudi Arabia.

6. This doesn’t happen. SA tells the Rothschild’s and Paysuers a big Fuck You and immediately tanks the price of oil.

The price of oil falls immediately after the Khashoggi incident. Cyrrently is has dropped $20 a barrel and is still falling.

7. This is the last thing the Rothschild’s abd Paysuer’s expect. They never thought the Saudi king would play economic warfare and start messing with the Petro-Dollar.

8. The Rothschild’s and Paysuer’s are caught short with the unexpected loss in energy costs. Their losses in other industries are huge as they were heavily invested in energy and expecting those stocks and profits to climb.

9. With the Saudi’s crashing oil, a big hurt is placed on Iran. Trump reinstated sanctions and has closed loopholes that were open for years to allow Iran to sell oil on a black market.

What little oil Iran is selling now is worth a lot less.

10. While Iran is “oil rich”, they are terribly inefficient at getting it out of the ground. Their cost per barrel is the worst of OPEC. This cuts their profit margin and makes them more susceptible to downturns in the market.

11. The Global Cabal, and or CIA isn’t funding Iran terrorism anymore. Obama isn’t sending plane loads of cash to Iran.

12. All of Iran’s funding for terrorism is being dried up with terrorism income, sanctions, and now cheap oil with high costs to drilling and refining.

12. Trump and Saudi Arabia are about to place Iran in a position. There is Option A and give up on terrorism and cut the Rothschild – Paysuer strings or be overthrown by your own people.

If there is an uprising in Iran, Trump and America will support it (unlike Obama).

Option B is walk away from the Puppetmasters and become a pueceful member of the world community.

First Saudi Arabia, then North Korea, and now Iran…. Remember when Q made that comment?

Iran has a choice, either the hard way or the easy way, but busses as usual is over.

They never thought Saudi Arabia would be crazy enough to tank the price of oil. They thought the Saudi’s loved money as much as them. They never thought Trump and the Saudi’s would go on the offense after Khashoggi’s “death”. They thought Trump would play defense and betray the Saudi King.

Trump and the King are letting the world know they control the Petro Dollar now and will tank the price of oil as much as it is necessary. The strings have been cut and we have entered Petri-Dollar warfare with the death of Khashoggi.

Sourced from here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.