A quick gematria


Don (Trump) Jr. is back on twitter with the message:  “GUESS WHO’S BACK?

I gematria’d it and this is what comes up:

John Kennedy Jr.

November Third

Some other interesting phrases but those two were the most significant.  Of course as most of you know at this point my patience is tapped dry…It’s like you’ve been waiting for a long time for someone or something to show and when they finally do, your “enthusiasm” was replaced by exhaustion and when they arrive instead of smiling and hugging you do one of these:

Sometimes, all that I'm hearing is white noise

Apparently Q dropped a few today – referring to how this all goes away on November 4th (day after the election).  So apparently this nazi control agenda will be allowed to play out for another 3.5 months?  I don’t consent to that.  They’re already having us under more or less house arrest (because going out and about to stores having to wear a mask and get told to leave is not something we are up to undertaking now…and they are now doing that here in most stores…and not all of those stores offer pick up or delivery so you’re SOL if you want to frequent and it isn’t like these alleged lawyers offering to help are getting to us…)….the CV narrative numbers are increasing (LIES LIES LIES of course) and the sheeple are believing it and people are getting hurt over not wearing a mask and my god – 3.5 more months of this mask sheot alone?  And we’re also being told not to give up on our citizen journalism?

Really?  My efforts have only made a difference with people who are seeking the truth.  Those who NEED to see the truth ain’t budging.  TDS is every bit as real as their other programming.

So nope – not consenting.  And what of those who continue to lose their jobs, business – and the increase in suicides as a result of the stress.  My god – who lets this play out all for some plan or so we can carry on the illusion that the sheep will baa baa wake up?  They are programmed not to.  This is a damn matrix simulation and some have different “codes” within.  I don’t like saying that – but I encounter this frequently in these parts.  Present a new view or different perception and the inner program goes “BLOCK BLOCK INCOMING”….lol….body language ensues…..arms crossed or blank stares….

Seriously – I have my own narrative.  They can have theirs.  That is their right.

However NO ONE has the right to allow trauma and harm to continue simply for some “movie” for the awakened to watch.  Heather Ann is still in jail – her sentence extended through 1/13/22.  Her family misses her.  She is wrongly convicted.  This is ok or part of some grand plan again??   Please someone explain that to my heart.  Where I come from we don’t do that!

I’m just so over it all.  The deception and drama and most certainly the harm being done to ALL OF US.  I am so past done of reading “the swamp runs deep”.  WE KNOW THAT.

deep breath….walk away walk away walk away….not my monkey…and yet what can i do now but literally “hide” in my house until this is over….(the monkey’s will like that due to my lack-of-mask conformity)….

I have been gathering dvd’s to watch – old classics – in which to occupy my time and am in search of a portable DVD player (and a used microwave as ours decided to stop working a few days ag0).  If anyone wishes to donate a few dollars for these pursuits, I would be most grateful.  And I continue to make friendship bracelets and play the piano.  And connecting with some like minded parents who actually, you know, let kids be kids and play together, that will help soothe the inner NOOOOO.

I don’t like saying this – but what choice do any of us have in changing the direction of this – changing the speed of the clean up.  Seriously – what power do we have in that?

Someone want to elaborate on that one for me?  (ya’ll don’t have to, btw – just expressing my inners)





Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

13 thoughts on “A quick gematria”

  1. I hear you and agree to all V! There’s an awful lot I don’t understand about all of this anymore. I think our biggest enemy through it all has been time, and the true lack of understanding of how it affects all of us in this marix/reality by whoever designed this ascension process – major, major clusterf*ck there, and that along with this whole “freewill” bullshit experiment may just wind up not only killing all of us that have been working (and suffering,) so long and hard to make it happen, but also ruining any real chance of a true ascension process happening here among the masses anytime soon (as in multiple lifetimes) unless there is direct divine intervention that makes this all move forward in ways we can yet see. And still, we soldier on and suffer in even being here, and the ascension aches and pains only get worse. So yeah, I hear you and feel you.

    By the way, I actually was only replying to tell you that apparently like so many things these days, microwave ovens have become no longer appliances but a use and dispose item, so don’t bother buying an expensive one, because if you get more than a year’s use out of any of them anymore you’re on borrowed time lol! I experienced the same situation a few months back, and bought a $69 walmart special that so far is still running and performing fine.

    Keep your head up my friend – we will get to a better place, hopefully soon! 🙂


    1. thank you anthony! 🙂 let me tell ya, i have been requesting Divine Intervention DAILY now. we do need that and we need it NOW. oh and btw – i was able to locate a used microwave for $10. our old one was already almost 10 years old and we got about 3 years out of it. we use them mostly just to heat up warming buddies – no cooking. ugh!

  2. would love to see you play the piano!!! Would you post a video of your being musical?? Sounds so nice.

    I’m so with you on the “beyond over it” -ness of it all. Sometimes, it feels like Trump is just stalling to keep the hope psyop alive before “the end,” which could have been a far more pleasant end with more swift justice and global prosperity. The phrase “king of the lizard people” has been coming to mind a lot this week. I’m certainly on his side here as he’s taken some powerful actions, and I see how deep the swamp is and how many have woken up and how much has been coming to the surface.
    But another part of me is eye-rolling into the sunset, exhausted and annoyed and disturbed that this is allowed.
    Feels like we need a simpsons moment where Homer rips their fake heads off to reveal the alien body underneath haha. Let’s get this “show” on the road…because, really, it’s NOT a show for those of us staying homebound just because we aren’t down with fighting with sheep about masks or pretending this “new normal” is normal at all, and it’s not a show for those about to lose the extra unemployment benefits, and it’s NOT a show for those that are sick or dying from either medical malpractice or from a genuine illness (which may be fungal and related to radiation more than a viral pandemic?), and it’s NOT a show when I have friends who have tried committing suicide over the recent weeks.

    I can appreciate my life and be grateful for my blessings and also fully say this other shit sucks, and I’m tired of it. No more suffering; time for justice!

    I was watching Fleurbrun yesterday, and she suggested rewatching The Event from this new lens of consciousness us “woke folk” are operating from…the tv show is from 2010 and some of the writing and camerawork is CORNY…BUT, the meat of the series (just one season) is really fascinating. The talk of portals, shapeshifting reptillians, an extraterrestrial race that’s been trapped here and trying to create the tech to leave, kidnapping and experimenting on children, and the levels and layers of corruption that thwart public servants from getting the truth out there at every turn.
    Also, watching Elizabeth April’s post this week about how many of us that have awoken to the atrocities of child trafficking and torture have perhaps done so because of our past incarnations in that position. “We got out” and are unraveling the feelings of guilt and shame for having gotten out, knowing so many are still imprisoned.
    A fascinating perspective that resonated deeply with me.

    Seeing these two things, I feel like more pieces are starting to come together to explore theories from a deeper appreciation of the “why” behind them.
    Whether we’re just waiting for the reptillians (good and bad) to figure out how to leave this plane because they know they can’t stop the increase of light, or we’re about to be blasted out of here in the next 5 years (but omg it better be sooner than that bc the thought of living under mask martial law another several months is so depressing)….I don’t know, but it clearly appears that co-existing is less and less possible unless the wokefolk congregate away from the media babies and create a new society….ugh, that sounds exhausting!

    For now it appears we just need to keep praying for more and more to wake up, but more importantly, that more understand the power of removing consent from this matrix perpetuated from a human sacrifice program.

    sending love to you. appreciate your heart and your shares and am deeply saddened to consider all your daughter is having to go through with this. to fathom what this has done to our youth is a tragedy that no money or apology can undo. this is time lost, and it is disgusting.

    1. thank you eric – as always i love reading your comments. (i love reading everyone’s comments!) i will check out that tv series. yes – what is happening and the consequences on our children – is madness. and heart breaking. …. i also have thought we have to unite and rebuild but the exhaustion level is at an all time high – but i can do it if enough are willing and able! if you want to listen to some of my material, i have a soundcloud account. the music is rough as in no editing – just me playing – but if you want to give a listen, here is the link to my uploads (and thank you for the interest, btw!) https://soundcloud.com/you/tracks

  3. There are recall petitions going on in California, to oust Gov.”Newsance”. People are doing what they want, the masks go under the noses, over the noses, or under the chin. No one says anything, no weird looks. As soon as we come out of stores, off comes the mask. Some are buying the narrative, others don’t, and it’s all good. I get the impression, that there are different reality bubbles in play.

  4. Dear Victoria…thank you for everything . I found you on YRFT uboobtube channel…i liked your comments, so sought you out a few months ago. It’s comforting & reassuring to hear someone express the same feelings/thoughts. As you know, a truth warrior can feel a bit isolated, along with the exhaustion, attacks, etc, that come with the territory. I also enjoy your writing, and thanks for the “finds” too. You are one of those people i hope to personally meet at the Big Party. Rose has said that those that adamantly reject & even attack for having the views we do, even loved ones, have been programmed…beyond the MSM/matrix programming. I think that those of us who have broken free of this programming, or like yourself, came in already knowing there’s a bunch o’ BS out there, were somehow resistant to this programming, or it is built into our personalities to question things, either of which could be why we were chosen/came in for a specific task…to do what we do…SOMEONE had to…to break the spell of the matrix…enough people had to reject this world in order to change it, and ultimately bring about our freedom…to fight the evil & finally get to go Home. We were just as much a part of setting us free as those outside the system, “Above”. Anyway…thanks again. Until we leave, i’ll be checking in with you 🙂 So keep up the good work, sharing your Truth & giving a voice to the tired Warriors of Love. Hi 5 sister.

  5. I am with you Victoria!! I am so over seeing all this suffering and hearing the “it’s got to play itself out” BS! My daughter suffered immeasurable emotional hardships as a single mom in a “give zero fuks society” and social, or lack of, structure! She passed away at the age of 28 on 5/22/20. There is no support for us “cattle” while the elite flaunt their Gucci suits, fake bodies and $20K dresses and palacial estates! Homelessness, suicides, job losses are at an all time high! MAGA needs to happen yesterday o call it what it really is; politics as usual!! Fukum!

    1. oh john – i am so sorry! my heart breaks for you, your family – and your daughter. it is so harsh here – this is not a place for sensitive, heart-centered Beings. yes MAGA needs to happen YESTERDAY – NOW! i send you love and comfort.

  6. Hi Victoria, love your posts and this one hit hard bc I am so with you. So tired and down now that Melbourne is going mandatory on masks Thursday. All these goody two shoes with their masks it sets me off so much I am screaming.

    I realise aside from what IS happening, there’s much for me to learn and resolve in myself about how I react. Still it’s probably the hardest energetic so far. Ascension symptoms? Pffft they’re nothing compared to this lie!

    I am letting go of my walking group as they all will go with the majority and I am staying at home, walking in the cemetery where no one goes and home delivery of food. I will not be masked!

    I just want some positive news now. It feels like we’ve been at it so long and I feel beaten down by the people who have fallen for this. They make me yearly with their vitriol. It’s as if my past life during the Spanish Inquisition is being brought up lol!

    Thank you for your wonderful energy and awareness and so many comments here from wonderful kindred as well.

    Holding hands around the world with a vision of massive love sweeping the planet clean of everything unlike it!

    Big hugs
    Lise xxx

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